
    The Prince's Car Collection - Supercar Museum

    Prince Ranier III of Monaco was a huge a car enthusiast. He began acquiring his collection of vintage cars at the end of the 1950’s. The collection grew over the years and acquisitions. Over time, he began collecting many world-famous rare cars, race cars, and supercars — many of which are the most iconic in the world, and have an illustrious history. Very rapidly, the Prince’s Palace garage proved to be too small to house his collection, which had grown to over 100 exotic and vintage cars.

    The Prince's Car Collection - Supercar Museum - prins autocollectie museum monaco1

    In 1993, Prince Ranier III decided to open his rare and supercar collection to the public. The royal family built a museum (which was originally in Fontvieille) featuring nearly 100 cars to house their collection of vintage, racing and luxury super cars. In 2022, a fresh, new (and much more modern) museum space was built underground in Port Hercule, and the collection was moved.

    In this 3,500 m² immersive exhibition, which is unique in the world, you can view the collection of over 100 exotic vintage and racing cars owned by the Princes of Monaco. As well as giant screens which broadcast films, touchscreens also allow visitors to more actively engage with the cars. Not only is it possible to discover the characteristics of the cars, it is also possible to digitally visit the interiors of some of these historic vehicles.

    Van Formule 1-auto's die aan de muren van het museum hangen, tot meer persoonlijke stukken, waaronder die waarin prinselijke familiebruiloften plaatsvonden... voor autoliefhebbers zowel binnen als buiten de grenzen van Monaco is er voor elk wat wils. Het museum herbergt vele zeer bijzondere en beroemde auto's met miljoenen fans van over de hele wereld. Ook te zien zijn raceauto's die hebben deelgenomen aan de Rally van Monte Carlo en Grand Prix Formule 1 van Monaco. Simpel gezegd, het is de meest epische autocollectie ter wereld.

    Video van het Prince's Car Collection Museum

    Nuttige recensies van lezers

    • “I’m not really into cars but I found this collection of antique cars really interesting. They span a couple of centuries and are very varied. I’m not sure who needs 5 Rolls Royce’s but it was interesting to see the various types. You get reduced price entry if you have a ticket for the hop-on-hop-off bus tour.”
    • “This is definitely worth a trip even for those non petrol heads. There is a huge number and range of cars from very early to F1 cars and some very beautiful early super cars.”
    • “Geweldige verzameling auto’s. Heerlijk om rond te kijken en de klassiekers, de sportwagens en de rijtuigen te bewonderen. Het was als een reis door de tijd. De auto’s worden onberispelijk onderhouden en verzorgd.”

    Belangrijke details over het Prince's Car Museum

    Open Times: Elke dag van 10.00 tot 17.30 uur

    Contact Details: +37793052856

    Cost: € 10 per volwassene. Jeugd 6 tot 26 jaar en studenten: € 5. Zie ticketprijzen here.

    Location: De ingang bevindt zich aan de weg die het dichtst bij het water ligt, in Port Hercule.

    Website: Officiële autocollectiewebsite

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