Nice’s Airport & Transportation Options
Det finns mycket att se i den vackra staden Nice i södra Frankrike, och en av de viktigaste sakerna att lära sig om man reser dit är hur man tar sig runt.
Var försiktig med alla former av kollektivtrafik eftersom ficktjuvar frodas, delvis pga polisen åtalar inte. Be careful of men on scooters swooping by and grabbing iPhones and handbags. Don’t use airport baggage porters, as they’ve been known to steal luggage. Here’s a lowdown on the crime in Nice.
Here are the ways to get around in Nice, France:
The Nice Airport

The Aéroport Nice-Côte d’Azur is the franska rivierans primära flygplats och den tredje mest trafikerade flygplatsen i Frankrike. Det har globala flyg som anländer dagligen och enkel tillgång till Nice via #99 buss, taxi eller Uber.
If you’re wondering how to get from the Nice Airport to Cannes or Monaco, check out the Transportguide för Cannes och vår Monaco transportguide.
In the winter, you’ll need to connect, as there aren’t any direct flights. If you don’t like red-eye overnight flights, you can fly directly from New York’s airports to London on a daytime flight, then from London to Nice.
Tidtabellen för direktflyg från Nice Côte d'Azur flygplats:
- Delta offers direct flights between Nice and Atlanta, and flies throughout the week to New York (JFK) from the end of March to the end of October.
- United Airlines flies daily direct to Newark Airport (for access to New York City) from May to September.
- Franskt flygbolag endast i affärsklass La Compagnie erbjuder mindre frekventa direktflyg till Newark från 15 april till 27 september.
- Den kanadensiska staden Montreal betjänas av både Air Canada och Air Transat, med regelbundna men alternerande flygningar mellan maj och slutet av oktober.
- Air France will operate three special direct flights to connect Los Angeles to Nice during the Cannes filmfestival i maj med flygbolagets flaggskepp, Airbus A350.
Privata jetplan
Private jets account for 43% of landings and take-offs at the Nice airport (35,000 flights in 2021 with an average of 5 passengers on board). Nice is the #3 airport in the world in terms of private jet traffic.
Don’t use airport baggage porters, as they’ve been known to steal luggage.
Franska tulltjänstemän gör stickprovskontroller och övervakar flygplatsen och letar efter föremål som falska handväskor och andra förfalskade föremål. Här är en guide till lagarna om förfalskningar. Det är viktigt att känna till de mycket verkliga riskerna som följer med att bära eller bära något med ett varumärke eller logotyp på.
Nice by Car
All the major car rental companies like Hertz, Sixt, Avis, and Budget are at the Nice Airport. If you decide to drive, we recommend renting a small car, like a convertible Fiat 500. Top-to-down is the way to go, and smaller cars are much easier to maneuver and park. If you’re going to go on day trips to some of the French resort towns, then you’ll need a small car to get through the tiny medieval roads.
However, unless you have a specific need for a car – for example, mobility/disability problems, renting in a remote rural location, or planning on touring the back-country – it is generally a mistake to rent a car in Nice for local travel. The French Riviera has some of the worst traffic and one of the highest traffic accident rates in France, and the toxic mix of French car driving enthusiasm with many powerful motorcycles and youths on small scooters makes holiday motoring often an unrewarding experience.
Once you’re in Nice, there are many parking lots, which you can find on Google Maps. The rates are posted, but reasonable (many lots are free for the first hour). Parking rates in garages are less than €3 per hour, with a daily maximum of about €17. Parking is free of charge for the first hour, except in the months July and August.
Parking a car anywhere in Nice is notoriously difficult, and equally so in many surrounding areas. Along the French Riviera, people park everywhere, between trees, poles and on sidewalks. They routinely bump each other in order to get in and out of tight spaces. Traffic and parking tickets are doled out like sweets.
BlaBlaCar är en samåkning that you can book via their website or the app. It costs approximately €3 per ride to go from Nice to Monaco.
Den Klaxitappen gör det möjligt för passagerare att resa till mycket låg kostnad (förare tjänar en liten avgift, från 1,50 € till 3 € per passagerare, beroende på tillryggalagd sträcka). Resor till Monaco är gratis (subventionerade av Monacos regering).
Uber och taxi
Du kan hagel eller boka en Uber from anywhere in Nice. Uber works at the airport and in the main cities of the Riviera. It may be difficult to hail a ride from more remote areas though, unless you are lucky and catch a driver dropping someone off.
Nice’s taxi service has a truly terrible reputation. It is worth noting that the official taxi service’s fares are not fixed and may vary according to traffic. For example, it’s routine to pay more than double what the official taxi operator predicts the cost to be. The official taxis also charge (mostly illegal) supplements for a range of different ‘extras’, such as Sundays and bank holidays, waiting, luggage, pets, having four people in the car, and even for bad weather. We strongly advise you to avoid taxis and use Uber or a rideshare app instead.
If you do find yourself stuck taking a taxi, here are a few tips:
- When approaching a taxi in France, it’s important to start the conversation with a polite greeting such as “Bonjour Monsieur.” This small gesture holds significant importance, as failing to do so may make the driver feel disrespected right from the start, and the rest of the journey may not go smoothly.
- To ensure a fair and transparent experience, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it’s a good idea to ask the driver for an approximate cost by saying, “Combien ça coûte d’aller à _?” This will give you an idea of what to expect. Additionally, let the driver know that you will need a receipt by saying, “J’ai besoin d’un reçu, s’il vous plaît.” Lastly, it’s essential to check that the meter is set correctly for the time of day: day (jour), night (nuit), or holiday (feriés).
- If the driver fails to turn on the meter, you can politely request them to do so by saying, “Je préfère que vous utilisiez le taximètre, s’il vous plaît.” This helps ensure that you are charged accurately based on the meter reading.
- In some cases, the driver may try to obscure the meter near the end of the trip in an attempt to overcharge you. If you suspect this is happening, you can assertively ask to see the meter by saying, “Je peux voir le taximètre, s’il vous plaît?” This lets the driver know that you are aware of the proper procedure and won’t tolerate any attempts to overcharge you.
- Locals don’t tip, but if you want to, you can tip less than 5% without seeming weird.
- Most taxis prefer cash payments despite being required to accept credit cards. Unfortunately, it seems that around 90% of drivers have perpetually broken card machines, which remains a mystery. To avoid any issues, make sure to check the payment options before getting into the taxi. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation where the meter keeps running while the driver takes a detour to find a cash machine.
Här är ungefärlig prissättning:
Old Nice to the airport
Official taxi service: €32 (this is a regulated flat rate)
Uber: €12
Nice to Monaco
Official taxi service: €90
Uber: €45
Nice to Antibes
Official taxi service: €60
Uber: €30
Nice to Cannes
Official taxi service: €80
Uber: €50
Nice by Bus
The city of Nice in France has a public bus transportation system. Lignes d’Azur operates the buses and trams for the public transport system in Nice. Some lines go to nearby towns like Monaco och Cannes. Belägen cirka 2 km från stadens centrum ligger huvudbusstationen: Gare Routiere (som ibland kallas "Gare Vauban" eller "Gare St. Jean d'Angely").
- #12 Buss går längs strandpromenaden Promenade des Anglais och stannar vid flygplatsen (promenad på huvudvägen framför flygplatsen).
- #23 Buss connects central Nice to Terminal 1 of the airport.
- #99 Buss (“Airport Express”) goes to downtown Nice and the central station coming straight from the airport.
- #98 Buss reser längs Promenade des Anglais vid havet och går till den centrala busstationen.
- #200 Buss går från terminal 1 (flygplatsen) till Antibes och Cannes och går var halvtimme
Det finns även utomhus turistbussar den turen runt i staden. De ger ljudkommentarer och guider på 8 språk. Dessa hopp-på-hopp-av-bussar stannar vid många turistattraktioner och är ett roligt sätt att se staden.
Nice by Tram
Nice has above-ground trams that run through the city and also connect the Nice Airport to many parts of the city. It takes only 26 minutes to get from the Nice Airport to Port Lympia (at the other side of Nice) via tram, with 20 stops on the way.
- Tram line 1 connects Gare de Nice-Ville, Place Garibaldi, the bus station Gare Vauban, and the area around the Vieux Port.
- Tram line 2 connects Vieux Port to Nice’s airport, with stops in Jean Medicin district, and Place Garibaldi in the center.
Spårvägens huvudstationer är följande:
- Nice Airport (both terminals)
- Gare Thiers (tågstation)
- Place Massena (stora stadens torg)
- Opera Vieille Ville (Gamla stan)
- Cathedrale-Vieille Ville (busstation)
- Cruise Port / Modern Art Museum (Place Garibaldi)
- Port Lympia
Biljettautomater finns vid varje hållplats. Du måste validera biljetter inne i spårvagnarna innan du går ombord.
Buss- och spårvagnsbiljettkostnad
Från och med den 1 juli 2023 kommer det att finnas en glidande skala från 12 till 50 resor på Lignes d'Azur buss- och spårvagnslinjer, kostar:
- 12 åk @€1,50 = €18
- 25 åk @1,30 € = 32,50 €
- 50 åk @€1 = €50
Ovanstående biljetter kan användas av flera personer tillsammans – bara validera det därefter. 3 personer = 3 valideringar. Enkelbiljetter kostar €1,70 per resa. Alla biljetter låter dig överföra gratis inom 74 minuter efter validering; bara validera det igen när du anger din anslutning.
Nice by Train
Tåg är det bästa, snabbaste och enklaste sättet att resa längs den franska rivieran. Med stopp i varje kuststad och härlig utsikt längs vägen, är det områdets föredragna transportsätt. Alla tåg i Frankrike (och Monaco) drivs av SNCF, och du kan boka alla tåg via SNCF:s webbplats. Och om du vill lära dig mer, här är en mycket detaljerad guide till hur du använder tågen in Nice.
Den Regionalt snabbtåg, eller TER, connects most towns, including Grasse, Cannes, Nice, Monaco, to Ventimiglia, San Remo and Turin in Italy. In the other direction, you can take this train to Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Lyon, and other destinations in France. Here’s a karta över resmålen.
Tågen går ungefär var 30:e minut och de flesta av stationerna ligger inom gångavstånd från centrum, eller erbjuder bussförbindelser från stationen. Biljetter är billiga och du kan köpa dem från automater på varje station, se bara till att stämpla din biljett i en av valideringsautomaterna innan du hoppar ombord.

The airport is not served by a specific train station, but the Nice St Augustin Train Station is only a 10-minute walk away and has frequent, trains that go to other towns on the French Riviera every 30 minutes. Access is not available late at night and in the very early morning, so check the schedule online if you’re a night owl. Tickets are cheap and you can buy them online, at the console in the station, or (usually) on the train.
Höghastighetståg för TGV
Den höghastighets-TGV tåget ansluter Marseille till Paris på bara 3 timmar för så lite som 50 € (men det genomsnittliga biljettpriset är 84 €) enkel resa. Ta lokaltåget till St. Charles station i Marseille , där du kan överföra till TVG och ta den till Paris.
Turist tåg

Från april till november, den guidade resan på "Train of Wonders" / Trains des Merveilles (€29 round-trip, leaving Nice at 8:30am) runs from Nice to Tende i underverkens dal, med stopp i uppflugna byar som Peille . Tåget klättrar nästan 3 280 fot högt på den två timmar långa resan genom den frodiga Mercantour National Park . Throughout the journey, you will benefit from the comments of a tour guide who will explain the sights and the rich artistic heritage and culture of the Nice hinterland (in both French and English). You can läs recensioner här.
Ett tips från en läsare: ”En bra heldagstur kan göras genom att ta Train des Merveilles till den punkt där den cirklar tillbaka: Tende. Vänta sedan vid Tende (och besök deras "museum för underverk") for the Italian train to Cuneo, and take that train to Ventimiglia and finally back to Nice along the coast. But (a) check times carefully as the service is sparse, and suspension of the trains is common; and (b) take your passport as French border guards on the look-out for illegal immigrants can be very officious.”
Nice by Sea
By its location on the coast, Nice is very accessible in the sea with private yachts or ferries. Leisure and luxury crafts, cruise ships, and ferries dock at Port of Nice (Port Lympia) at the east of Colline du Château.
The ferry terminal is Gare Maritime de Nice in Quai Amiral Infernet , Port de Commerce, där en bokning alltid rekommenderas.
Maritim skyttel
Schemalagt vara i drift snart: The Maritime Shuttle goes between Nice and Cap d’Ail / Monaco, linking Port Lympia in Nice till hamnen i Cap-d'Ail , on the border of Monaco (Fontvieille). At peak times, there is a shuttle every half hour. It transports up to 1,200 people every hour with 34 rotations each day. Covering a distance of around 15 km, on a sunny day in good conditions, the journey only takes 35 minutes. In Nice, the shuttle is connected to tramline number 2, as well as the park and ride service in Port Lympia.
If you’re planning on going to other destinations, be sure to read the guide to transportation for that town/city (click on the town in our navigation menu and you’ll see the guide listed). Enjoy your trip to Nice!