A true paradise, the Côte d’Azur is widely renowned as one of Earth’s most luxurious destinations. For decades the world’s elite has descended on the French Riviera, drawing inspiration from its mesmerizing Mediterranean views as much as they do from the royalty, diplomats, actors, artists and entrepreneurs that rub shoulders there.
一个多世纪以来,法国南部一直是超级富豪的旋转门。随着财富的增加,实业家、王子和银行家在地中海沿岸建造了宫殿,而当他们陷入困境时——首先是俄罗斯贵族,然后是 1929 年股市崩盘后的美国人,然后是二战后的大部分欧洲上层阶级——他们把它们卖给了世界上的下一代新富。
Built in 1899, this villa has gone down in history as a temple of rock’n’roll. The villa has a fascinating history, including a bit part in WW2. In 1971, Villa Nellcôte was the temporary residence of the Rolling Stones band members, rented by guitarist Keith Richards. Upstairs, a beautiful entourage socialized, often illicitly. In Nellcôte’s many-roomed basement, the Rolling Stones recorded material for what became their most storied album.
这是 放荡的完整故事 滚石乐队在别墅录音时发生的事情,以及现在谁拥有这座著名的别墅。
King Leopold’s Villas
King Leopold II was obsessed with the French Riviera. After a few years of secretive purchasing, the king of Belgium found himself the owner of the whole of the west side of the Cap Ferrat –more than 50 hectares– closing off the land from the public with barbed wire.
He purchased many properties along the French Riviera including the Villa Radiana, the Villa Ibéria which is next to Les Cèdres, and the Villa Léopolda, which he bought as a gift for his teenage (prostitute) mistress. Her conspicuous consumption made her world-famous, and they married when he was 74. She inherited great wealth when he died only 5 days later.
这是完整的, 关于别墅、利奥波德和他送给他们的青少年妓女情妇的疯狂故事。
滨海自由城的 Le Lepolda
这座别墅曾经属于比利时国王利奥波德二世,后来归莉莉·萨夫拉所有,她是一名涉嫌杀害自己四人中两人的女人 极其 富有的丈夫,在别墅举办奢华的聚会。出版商约翰·费尔柴尔德后来在他的书中写到了萨夫拉的一个聚会别致的野蛮人并将这一场合描述为“炫耀性消费的终极”。美国总统罗纳德·里根、弗兰克·西纳特拉、查尔斯王子和兰尼埃三世亲王曾到访过萨夫拉别墅的别墅。
莉莉和埃德蒙·萨弗拉的故事简直疯狂得令人难以置信。这是 关于拉莱奥波尔达的整个疯狂故事、奢华的派对、摩纳哥顶层公寓的谋杀案以及致命的丑闻。
费拉角的 Les Cèdres
King Leopold II set his mistress up at Les Cèdres: a golden prison with panoramic sea views lost in the midst of luxuriant vegetation. Blanche spent her days at Les Cèdres alone, waiting for her royal lover who forbade her to go out or to receive other visitors.
The villa was later owned by another King, the Grand Marnier company, and then sold to a criminal Ukranian oligarch as he was being investigated for murder, for €200 million (it had been on the market for €1 billion).
这是 关于 Les Cèdres 及其罪犯所有者的完整故事。
肖恩·康纳利在 Nice 中的 Le Roc Fleuri 别墅
这座别墅是演员肖恩·康纳利在法国里维埃拉的长期住所。这座六层美好年代别墅(建于 1928 年)环境优美,可欣赏Nice 市和大海的景色。康纳利于 1970 年购买了这座名为 Le Roc Fleuri 的豪宅,并在那里住了“十几年”。它仍然被邻居称为“肖恩·康纳利的房子”。
康纳利是第一位扮演詹姆斯·邦德的演员,这座别墅在他最后一次饰演詹姆斯·邦德(1983 年)中扮演了一个角色永不言败, which shot all around Nice and in neighboring Villefranche and Monaco — even at the villa itself.
查看 我们关于肖恩·康纳利著名别墅的帖子 了解更多详细信息、视频和更多照片。
早在 1993 年,U2 的主唱波诺就与乐队的主音吉他手共同购买了位于埃兹的豪华房产。当时传闻成本仅为 380 万欧元,因为它需要大量翻修。如今它的价值约为2000万欧元。这座粉红色的四层海滨豪华宅邸名为 Villa Les Rose,是 U2 歌曲《Electrical Storm》视频的拍摄地。
Bono 也是 Adam Clayton(U2 的贝斯手)和 Larry Mullen Jr.(U2 的鼓手)的邻居。他们和他一起在别墅的录音室里练习,并在音乐会间隙休息和排练。据报道,歌迷们在声音太大时录制并泄露了一些未发行的曲目。
看看我们的 波诺的生活和别墅指南 埃兹及其周边地区。
Banking heiress Beatrice Rothschild had this villa built in 1905, to celebrate her divorce from her cheating, gambling, lying ex-husband (Maurice Ephrussi), and to accommodate her ever-growing art collection. She made it into a hub for art of all kinds: literary parties, music, gatherings of art collectors, and riveting conversation.
它装饰有男爵夫人的收藏珍品,现已开放供参观和举办活动。展出了 5000 多件艺术品,以及令人印象深刻的家具、灯具和地毯收藏。该别墅以其九个主题花园而闻名。
在贝阿特丽斯去世后,法国协会将这座别墅捐赠给了法国协会,这一带有严重性别歧视的举措将这座别墅从贝阿特丽斯选择的“法兰西岛”名称更名为“埃弗鲁西·罗斯柴尔德别墅”。比阿特丽斯可怕的前夫的名字被添加在她的名字之前,永远地将他们的历史纠缠在公众的视野中,并不公正地将他的别墅归功于他与他无关 - 事实上,他从未踏足过它!
查看 我们的别墅指南、比阿特丽斯非凡的一生,以及如何参观。
E-1027 和勒·柯布西耶在马丁角
E-1027 是我们现在可能见过的那种房子,但在 1926 年,除了艾琳·格雷 (Eileen Gray) 之外,没有人能梦想到它。没有任何线索表明她正在创造一件超前于时代的杰作 — 格雷监督着每一个细节房屋的建造。
Enter Le Corbusier, who often visited Eileen Gray and her partner at her seaside idyll. Whether he was or was not threatened by her talent, most scholars agree that he was obsessed with Gray and her triumphant E-1027. So much so that in 1938, after the bisexual Gray split with her partner and returned to loving women, Le Corbusier, with the consent of her erstwhile partner, took it upon himself to paint—some say defile—the interior walls with eight garish murals depicting charged lesbian imagery. To add insult to injury, he took photos of himself doing so, wearing nothing but his trademark glasses.
当格雷听说这种厚颜无耻的不尊重行为时,她感到震惊,发誓再也不会回来。在E-1027,戏剧变成了悲剧。第二次世界大战期间,纳粹士兵洗劫了这座房子,并用它进行打靶练习。 1996年,吗啡成瘾者的主人在那里被谋杀。这座别墅因年久失修而被遗弃,被遗弃,被毁坏,被占屋者、吸毒者和流浪者侵占。直到…
阅读完整的疯狂故事 勒·柯布西耶 (Le Corbusier) 和艾琳·格雷 (Eileen Gray) 的关系……以及此后该房产发生了什么。
Picasso’s Villas
Pablo Picasso bought Villa La Californie in Cannes in 1955 and lived there with his last wife until 1961, when they abandoned it because another building was built that blocked his sea view. It was here that the Spanish artist created his masterpiece ‘The Bay of Cannes’. After Villa La Californie, Pablo Picasso and his wife bought another villa, this time in Mougins, where Picasso lived for 12 years, until his death in 1973 at age 91.
这是 毕加索别墅的完整故事(和照片),里维埃拉的时光,以及他留下的传奇和混乱。
费拉角的圣索斯皮尔 (Santo Sospir)
女继承人、社交名媛弗朗辛·魏斯韦勒 (Francine Weisweiller) 是巴黎最漂亮、最富有、最时尚的女性之一。高级波西米亚别墅 Santo Sospir 建于战后不久,由弗朗辛 (Francine) 的丈夫亚历克斯 (Alex) 于 1946 年购买,作为战争中幸存的奖品。亚历克斯大部分时间都在巴黎和他的情妇住在一起,所以弗朗辛独自住在别墅里,通过举办名人和皇室成员的热闹派对来打发时间。
她的朋友兼恋人让·谷克托 (Jean Cocteau) 和他年轻的男友来到这里待了几天,最后断断续续地在那里待了十二年,而他则完成了其他任务,包括圣皮埃尔教堂 (St. Pierre Chapel)。科克托用三种颜色的金色设计了卡地亚戒指,作为他们三人组的象征。他们一起沉迷于鸦片,科克托最终在别墅的几乎所有墙壁上纹身。
这是 Santo Sospir别墅的完整故事 以及那里发生的疯狂事件。
Le Grande Jardin 是 Lerins 群岛上唯一的私人住宅。 2008年,被称为“好时光之王”的印度商业巨头通过他拖欠的银行贷款购买了它。此后,他成为逃犯,并成为印度政府引渡努力的对象,将他从英国遣返,在印度面临金融犯罪指控。它现在由一家酒店集团所有,该集团正在对其进行翻新并将其改造成豪华酒店和活动场所。
这是 关于这个令人惊叹的财产的完整故事 以及购买它的骗子。
La Fleur Du Cap / 费拉角的大卫·尼文广场
A magnificent piece of architecture in a vibrant shade of candy-pink, La Fleur Du Cap was built in 1880 by the son of an arms dealer. This villa has had many famous occupants, including King Leopold III of Belgium, and his successor and nephew of Léopold II. It was then purchased by David Niven, the famous actor. Since at least 1999, it has been home to the parents of New Zealand-born billionaires who bought the house for their mom, as a gift in a heart-warming fairy-tale story.
这是 这座别墅的完整故事、所看到的各方以及拥有它的人。
埃斯特雷尔 (l'Esterel) 的纳普尔城堡 (Château de Napoule)
纳普尔城堡由维伦纽夫伯爵夫人于 14 世纪建造。几个世纪以来,它被重建了几次。 19世纪它被改建成玻璃工厂。 1918 年,它被美国信托资助者小亨利·克鲁斯 (Henry Clews Jr.) 购买,并按照自己独特的风格进行了翻新。
这是 完整而颓废的故事。
费拉角的 La Mauresque
Around 1900, the former missionary and chaplain to Belgum’s King Leopold II, Félix Charmettant, purchased a parcel of land on Cap Ferrat and had this villa constructed. In 1927, British novelist Somerset Maugham (who famously called the French Riviera a “sunny place for shady people” —a prescient remark, given the villa’s recent history) purchased the property. He was the wealthiest author of his time.
Since then, Dmytro Firtash, a Ukranian oligarch with close ties to Vladamir Putin, has purchased the villa.
这是 完整的我,这座别墅的不可思议的故事 及其独特的所有者。
Less of a crazy story and more of a crazy property, the Palais Bulles (“Bubble Palace”) was owned by Pierre Cardin, the Italian-born French fashion designer. He became the second owner of the house after the first died during construction. Over the years, Bubble Palace has hosted many swanky parties and events; MTV hosted James Bond’s birthday party, Dior held a fashion show, and Assouline published a book replete with beautiful pictures from the mansion and estate.
这里有更多照片和细节 关于这座疯狂的宫殿。
卡梅利亚斯别墅 (Villa Les Camélias)
这座别墅不再是私人住宅,而是一座博物馆,让公众有机会探索卡普戴尔 (Cap d'Ail) 的档案——从 1908 年建镇到整个 20 世纪th century.
Les Camélias 迷人的花园层完全致力于讲述卡普戴尔的历史。照片和其他展品让人回想起住在卡普戴尔的人们的生活:大多数当地人是意大利移民,但国际绅士也在这里过冬,其次是许多来自艺术、政治和文学界的名人。
博物馆 向我们介绍了该镇的“hôtels de passe”(短期住宿妓院)。在著名的“Loup Blanc”,性服务是用印有“bon pour le paradis”(意思是“天堂门票”)的代币支付的。