King Leopold II was the evil Belgian King who exploited the Congo. A pedophile and white supremacist extraordinaire, he was once dubbed “Satan and Mammon in one person.” The ambitious and greedy king kick-started Europe’s so-called “Scramble for Africa” in the 1880s.
He shrewdly convinced the world that his bloody and enormously lucrative land-grab in the Congo was for humanitarian reasons. Instead, it was pure greed and approximately 1.1 billion he stole from the Congo went to financing his lavish lifestyle and spoiling his mistresses with gifts. The atrocities he oversaw were unknown to the outside world for years. Leopold told European and American powers that he was only in Africa to save the natives from the Arab slavers and bring Christianity to what Stanley dubbed the “Dark Continent.”
据报道,由于英国的武器和技术,“为国王工作的几千名白人能够统治大约两千万非洲人”利奥波德国王的幽灵. They turned the Congo into a massive forced labor camp, mainly involving the harvesting of wild rubber. Whomever resisted was either murdered or had their hands and feet chopped off with a machete — including women and children.
国王遇见了他的情妇, 布兰奇·泽利·约瑟芬·德拉克洛瓦 (later known as Caroline Lacroix), when she was a 16-year-old Romanian-born prostitute 1899 (the King was 65 at the time). And as an even younger girl, instead of being in school, she was the mistress of Antoine-Emmanuel Durrieux, a former officer in the French army, who supported the two of them by betting on horse races. When his luck soured, he became a form of pimp, prostituting her to well-born clients to pay his gambling debts.
1900 年的一天,比利时的利奥波德二世住在巴黎,正在为另一位情妇购物,并听说了她的“吸引力”。会议安排在第二天;布兰奇走进一间僻静的房间,利奥波德带着两名助手来到了那里,对她进行了采访。利奥波德很高兴并邀请布兰奇和他一起去奥地利。第二天,一大笔钱准时到了,还有一些空箱子,因为利奥波德知道她喜欢买衣服。
利奥波德为她挥霍了大量金钱、地产、礼物和贵族头衔,沃恩男爵(沃恩男爵夫人),以及送给她的礼物利奥波尔达别墅1902 年,她经常前往巴黎拜访她的服装和帽子制造商,有一次吹嘘说她在一家商店花了 300 万法郎购买衣服。由于这些礼物,她在比利时人民和国际上都非常不受欢迎。
她后来生下了国王的两个私生子(其中一个出生在国王的宫廷) 塞德尔别墅)。
当利奥波德 74 岁时,她和利奥波德在宗教仪式上结婚。五天后他就去世了。
Their failure to perform a civil ceremony rendered the marriage void under Belgian law. After the King’s death, it was soon discovered that he had left her numerous properties, items of high material value, Congolese bonds, and other valuable sources of income – all of which turned her into a multimillionaire.
For years, the Belgian government and Leopold’s three estranged daughters attempted to recover some of this wealth, with varying success. Since most of Leopold’s wealth was hidden, his offspring from previous marriages received very little in the end, and she and Durrieux got the last laugh.
卡罗琳和杜里厄很快就离婚了,她得以完好无损地保留了自己的大部分财富(尽管她与杜里厄和解并给了他一百万美元,以保留她两个儿子的监护权)。据报道,博尼·德·卡斯特拉伯爵(Count Boni de Castellane)和加斯顿·博尼福伊(Gaston Bonnefoy)等众多追求者都已订婚或对她感兴趣,尤其是在她离婚后。
Even before becoming King of the Belgians, Leopold II discovered the breathtaking beauty of the Côte d’Azur. In 1895, the king stayed at the Grand Hôtel de Nice, and purchased a big property in Villefranche.
利奥波德二世 (Léopold II) 于 1899 年首次对圣让卡费拉 (Saint Jean Cap Ferrat) 感兴趣。他最初在帕萨布尔 (Passable) 地区附近购买了一栋小别墅(如今称为伊比利亚),并拥有一个私人港口,可让他在前往科特迪瓦 (Cote) 旅行时停泊他的游艇 Clementine达祖尔。
From this time, his purchases became gigantic. He paid people to investigate the area and to find pieces of land for sale and the king used an intermediary to obtain the lowest price. To hide his extravagance from the citizens of Belgium, his purchases were not done in his name, but under companies.
几年后,比利时国王发现自己拥有了费拉角整个西侧的土地——超过 50 公顷。幸运的是,利奥波德只是今天费拉角的一个脚注,他的遗产被埋藏在过去,尽管别墅的出处如此,但美丽的别墅仍然存在。以下是两座最重要的别墅背后的故事:
利奥波尔达别墅 (Villa Leopolda) 于 1902 年被比利时国王利奥波德二世 (King Leopold II) 购买,坐落在法国里维埃拉 (French Riviera) 一些最昂贵的土地上,占地 50 英亩。这座占地广阔的住宅被誉为世界第三大住宅,拥有 19 间卧室、14 间浴室、多个游泳池、保龄球馆、电影院以及占地 20 英亩的橄榄树和果园,需要 50 名员工组成的团队-时间园丁只是为了照顾它。该别墅不仅拥有法国南部最好的海景,而且还坐落在占地 10 英亩的完美场地上,一直延伸到滨海自由城 (Villefranche-sur-Mer) 度假胜地。
这是这座别墅背后令人难以置信的故事: 利奥波尔达别墅和摩纳哥顶层公寓谋杀案。
费拉角的 Les Cèdres
尽管将 Les Cèdres 变成了天堂,利奥波德二世国王还是选择居住在 摩纳哥 相反,费拉角成了他十几岁的情妇的家。费拉角是进行非法恋情的理想地点,而且隐藏得很好,不被窥探。国王在帕萨布尔 (Passable) 的前别墅维亚尔 (Vial) 安置了布兰奇 (Blanche),并将其更名为“Radiana”,直到他的扩建和翻新工程完成后,才更名为“Les Cèdres”。一座金色的监狱,享有全景海景,消失在茂密的植被之中。布兰奇独自在莱斯塞德雷斯度过了几天,等待她的王室情人,但他禁止她外出或接待其他访客。
Later, the villa was sold for €200 million (it had been on the market for €1 billion) to the Ukraine’s most wealthy oligarch.
这是这座别墅背后的整个故事: Villa les Cèdres, a Controversial Oligarch, and a Cruel King。
想要更多?这是一个 著名别墅列表、拥有它们的名人,以及那里发生的疯狂事情。