Saint-Tropez’s beach is one of the most famous in the world, and certainly the most posh beach party scene on the French Riviera. There are yachts. And stars. And lots and lots of beaches with tanned bodies sprawled about them dressed in little more than a squirt of SPF 4. The dreamy coastline near St-Tropez is filled with so many stunning beaches that choosing which one to visit can be a tricky affair.
Plage Pampelonne 位于圣特罗佩村外 15 分钟车程处,是一片海滩,拥有一些公共空间和许多私人海滩俱乐部/餐厅。了解今年最流行的款式,预订 正确的 餐桌,以及如何为他们着装,是许多喷气式飞机的主要关注点。以下是游览圣特罗佩海滩俱乐部的指南:
圣特罗佩如何成为 the 海滩目的地
最初,Chez Camille 是一家马赛鱼汤餐厅,自 1912 年以来一直坐落在庞普洛讷一端的水面上。 1948 年,帕特里斯·德·科尔蒙 (Patrice de Colmont) 的父亲在附近的海滩露营,然后在沙滩上买了一座渔民的房子。当有旅客经过时,他和妻子都会热情款待。 1955年,碧姬·芭杜 (Brigitte Bardot) 和她的丈夫、导演罗杰·瓦迪姆 (Roger Vadim) 正在拍摄上帝创造了女人 on the beach, and mistook the Colmonts’ cabana for a bistro. The crew boss asked Madame Colmont if she would cook for the troupe. When filming ended, Bardot and Vadim stayed—and Club 55 was born, as an invitation-only restaurant for “the people we like,” says Patrice, who was eight-years-old at the time.
然而,尽管圣特罗佩享有盛誉,但它却拥有某种神秘感,早在一个撅嘴的年轻人出现之前,这种神秘感就一直在这里徘徊。天真的 named Brigitte Bardot came along in the mid-1950s and splashed the whole town with limelight. Saint-Tropez was already popular at the beginning of the 20th century, when it attracted Colette, Matisse, and the Prince of Wales, but it is the beach clubs that bring today’s equivalent of royalty: P. Diddy, Claudia Schiffer, Leonardo DiCaprio, and every major supermodel.
La Voile Rouge 是臭名昭著的海滩俱乐部,裸上身日光浴最早在这里兴起。那里喧闹的派对——迪斯科一直持续到下午,半裸的女人喝的香槟几乎和她们喝的一样多——显然是享乐主义的。事实上,一群特罗佩齐安人游说关闭它,并成功了。当然,这种享乐主义并没有消散,而是分散到了其他海滩俱乐部。
Plage Pampelonne 指南: 圣特罗佩的著名海滩
如果您想体验圣特罗佩 我如你所见 (即,看到和被看到,或者字面意思是“你看到我了吗”)海滩氛围。早餐后,跳上您的租车,开车前往著名的海滩俱乐部区 Plage de Pampelonne , which is about 15 minutes from St. Tropez. In reality this beach belongs to the closest village of Ramatuelle rather than to Saint Tropez itself, which is around six kilometres away.
This is where you will find some of the south of Europe’s most infamous beach clubs (see the list below). The famous and infamous have tanned their body parts along the sandy stretch of Pampelonne beach, where umbrella-covered clubs line up like obedient clones. The sea and surf are more than inviting, and the lure of tripping over the outstretched feet a famous person is irresistible. You can hire a sun lounger and parasol on the beach, or dine in the restaurant, there is no pressure to do both. Some of the beach clubs are set back from the beach and have a pool for guests to enjoy, although the sea is never far away.
您会希望在下午 2 点之前就可以舒适地入座,不过此时俱乐部通常会播放现场音乐,舞者热情地为您倒饮料并为您提供龙虾。最著名的海滩俱乐部已经被订满,所以请提前预订。
无论您在哪里吃午餐,这一天的目标都是步行到庞普洛讷 (Pampelonne) 的尽头,大约需要 1 小时。因此,一旦您吃饱了、润滑了,就可以向南走,经过一些著名的俱乐部,然后乘坐出租车回到车上。
或者,听完 DJ 的震撼音乐和 20 欧元的桃红葡萄酒后,您可以去徒步旅行。字面上地。这Sentier du Littoral(沿海小路) 沿着圣特罗佩半岛的周边,从港口远端的城墙到庞普洛纳海滩的顶部(或向后)。步道蜿蜒经过小镇的墓地(风景优美,没有双关语)、隐蔽的别墅和几个诱人的水晶游泳池。到达庞普洛纳 (Pampelonne) 后,沿塔希提路 (Rue de Tahiti) 行驶 两英里回到镇上。
- 穆莱斯薯条:贻贝配上瘦炸薯条。
- 阿拉皮西尼: 香槟加冰块。
- 格拉纳丁:用水和冰稀释草莓或酸黑樱桃糖浆的无酒精饮料。
- 美食咖啡厅:品尝厨师精心挑选的甜点(总有马卡龙)。
- 特罗佩津塔特:奶油蛋卷,里面充满了香草和柠檬奶油的混合物。
警告: Pay close attention when selecting from the menu. Always ask the price of specials and watch out for restaurants that charge by the gram. The price next to that fish may not be the final price — that’s the price per certain number of grams, and the cost can add up quickly. If you’re not operating on an unlimited budget, stick to dishes that don’t charge by grams.
庞普洛纳 (Pampelonne) 提供丰富的水上运动。海滩上遍布的售货亭提供水上摩托艇、风帆冲浪、桨板冲浪等活动。看看我们的 法国里维埃拉最佳水上运动地点指南。
许多人没有意识到,圣特罗佩附近的庞普洛纳海滩最好的部分大部分都被私人海滩俱乐部占据,这些俱乐部收取大量的躺椅租金。两张躺椅和一把遮阳伞每天的费用为 50 至 150 欧元,具体取决于海滩俱乐部、一年中的时间以及距离水边的距离。当然,可以提供饮料和食物,但不包括在内。
请记住在七月和八月期间提前预订日光浴躺椅。夏季期间还建议预订午餐和晚餐。早午餐时,通常有两个座位——一个在中午左右,比较凉爽,一个在下午 3 点左右,通常是一群酗酒、跳舞、聚会的人。
Beautiful women (yes, some are prostitutes) dancing on tables while drinking from magnums of booze… this is the mental image that these beach clubs often conjure. Loungers on a sandy beach, yachts in the distance, music, seafood towers and colorful cocktails… these are the key features of the most glamorous of the Pampelonne beach clubs, where guests often arrive by helicopter or yacht and enjoy sunbathing topless.
Tahiti Beach
塔希提岛海滩的 橙色沙滩伞与大海的颜色形成鲜明对比,营造出非常适合在 Instagram 上发布的效果。他们的餐厅供应新鲜捕获的鱼和寿司,并且拥有海滩上最可爱的商店。它还与一家别致的酒店相连。早上这里要安静得多,午餐时间开始变得拥挤,在开胃酒时间达到顶峰。
Club 55
俱乐部 55 is the most famous beach club on Pampelonne Beach. It was used in a scene of the famous Bridgette Bardot film ‘And then God Created Woman’, and it has been wildly popular with the jet-set ever since. At least once in your life, you simply 必须 sunbathe on their beach sunbeds and sip champagne at the always-crowded restaurant.
Despite its rustic simplicity (the old wooden chairs are dirty, heavy and packed in so tight it’s hard to get in them), it is quite splendidly expensive, and the food isn’t very good compared to what you can get elsewhere, but none of the A-listers who come here seem to really care. It’s picture-perfect for lunch with light blue table cloths, fresh flowers, and large baskets of uncut, uncooked vegetables straight from the garden.
Their “le paniers de crudités” is an Instagram favorite, capturing attention with its visually stunning yet curiously inedible arrangement of whole, raw vegetables.
If you want to experience Club 55 without spending a small fortune on very basic food (think Niçoise salad that’s mostly lettuce and smothered in mayonnaise, and overcooked pasta with very plain tomato sauce), you can get a green juice at their juice bar, located at the exit to the beach, then sip it while perusing the €1500 blankets and €500 bikinis at their beachside boutique.
Bagatelle Beach St. Tropez
小事 is most popular club, so know that you have to book at least one week in advance, and that it’s always packed. But it’s worth the effort: a harmonious mix of white and light-blue evoking the carefree ease of summertime. One of the coast’s must-sees, even you’re not the fashionable beach club type. The wait staff commonly serve orders of 拉皮西内 (rosé over ice) as a refreshing drink on hot summer days.
Nikki Beach
尼基海滩 是一场20多岁的饮酒盛会。它是圣特罗佩最受游客欢迎、最受派对欢迎的海滩俱乐部,而且因其臭名昭著的 Nikki Beach 全球特许经营权而闻名。尼基海滩拥有必要的豪华躺椅和游泳池,但它 真的 喜欢派对,整个夏季都有大牌 DJ 旋转的节奏和舞曲。其丰富的菜单包括寿司、沙拉、新鲜捕获的海鲜和烤鸡。如果您不想与 20 多岁的人“交往”,那么这里不适合您。
Byblos Beach
美丽的 比布鲁斯海滩俱乐部 has a chilled-out yet sophisticated vibe, with cocktails, sunbeds and colorful dishes. Light and tasty creations with a distinctive Mediterranean accent, all made from top-quality produce and created by the Byblos executive chef, Rocco Séminara.
Moorea Plage
莫雷阿岛 是享受阳光和舞蹈的好去处,但具有更轻松的加勒比风格。您可以品尝精选的寿司和生鱼片,还可以逛逛他们小型、超级别致的百货商店,内有四家适合男士和她的商店。
帕尔米尔俱乐部 是最环保的圣特罗佩海滩俱乐部之一。在地中海氛围中放松身心,尽情享受水烟或鸡尾酒吧,并在精品店购买圣特罗佩时装。这家海滩俱乐部由 Philipp Plein 设计,是一场白色的狂想曲,隐私受到保护,但在日落时有美妙的音乐和舞蹈。
坐落在小屋的轻松氛围中, 预订海滩的 菜单包括可供分享的小吃、烤鱼和新鲜的当地农产品,整个季节都有活动,包括现场音乐会、DJ 表演、沙滩高尔夫球和摄影展览。
吉吉·拉玛蒂埃勒 拥有高档餐厅、休息区和酒吧、迷人的游泳池、康体中心以及不少于500平方米的儿童(6至12岁)专用空间。添加一些滚球场地,布置就完成了。将脚趾踩在白色沙滩上或在木制露台上享受地中海阳光,享用意大利北部美食。中午 12:30 的第一个座位有令人愉快的管弦乐队演奏,而下午 3:30 的座位则有 DJ 主持,为客人营造派对氛围。
两个邻近的面向家庭的海滩俱乐部(餐厅 蒂基海滩 还有更休闲的 提基俱乐部 )附属于乡村别墅式的海滩酒店(蒂基胡特)、露营地(康提基),还有价格实惠、略内陆的泰国餐厅(蒂基泰语)。对于孩子来说是一个不错的选择。橙色的雨伞和位于庞普洛纳海岸线中部的战略位置,那里的水非常干净和清澈。如果您驾驶特斯拉,酒店内提供充电器。
La Cabane Bambou
竹小屋 是一个小型海滩俱乐部,几乎位于庞普洛纳海滩的尽头,拥有凉爽的自然别致氛围和音乐,不像其他海滩俱乐部那么吵闹。七月和八月每晚的现场音乐表演都值得一去。
Tropicana la Plage
热带海滩 餐厅由曾在 Alain Ducasse 接受培训的主厨 Eric Santalucia 烹制采用优质当地食材和当地风味烹制的美食。餐厅在后面,看不到海景,但风景还是很美的。在精品店挑选一件波西米亚风格的防晒罩衣或一些珠宝。
萨林斯 不在 Pampellone 海滩上,而是位于人迹罕至的地方,坐落在 Cap des Salins 之间 和卡彭角 。这个海滩俱乐部拥有三个不同的区域:在水边,有海滩酒吧及其标志性的天蓝色遮阳伞;在水边,有海滩酒吧及其标志性的天蓝色遮阳伞;在水边,有海滩酒吧及其标志性的天蓝色遮阳伞;在水边,有海滩酒吧及其标志性的天蓝色遮阳伞;在水边,有海滩酒吧和其标志性的天蓝色遮阳伞;上面有一家适合家庭的餐厅,供应地中海美食;楼上有一家比萨饼店,可以欣赏到令人惊叹的海景。这里没有矫揉造作,只有欢乐和家庭精神。
实用信息: 到达那里
While it is possible to walk to, Plage de Pampelonne is about six kilometers (a 15 to 30 minute drive depending on traffic) from town by car and the narrow windy roads aren’t pedestrian friendly.
停车只收现金,而且没有地方可以停车,不花钱。六个入口之一提供停车位(收费 5 欧元),许多海滩俱乐部都有代客泊车服务。
海滩都位于庞普洛纳 (Pampelonne) 沿岸,因此请在北端停车 距离圣特罗佩最近的长海滩。从那里,步行或乘坐出租车即可快速到达塔希提岛海滩 ,法国里维埃拉最著名的海滩俱乐部之一。装饰有明亮的橙色和白色条纹雨伞和私人码头,这就是您的冒险开始的地方。当客人步行或通过海路到达时,您可以欣赏人们的身影。从那里,您可以沿着海滩漫步并参观其他海滩俱乐部。
从市中心出发的巴士班次很少,您可以 在这里了解有关巴士的更多信息. You can rent a scooter for about €50 per day; it’s well worth it considering St-Tropez taxis (all big black Mercedes) are €70 each way during high season and €30 during low season – ouch! If you’re not keen on a scooter your best bet is to use Uber (approx €10 each way), however these can also be hard to find at the best of times and almost non-existent out of peak season.