Фестивали искусств и ярмарки в Монако: Путеводитель на 2024 год
Updated: June 14, 2024
Monaco has, in recent years, introduced several art festivals held every spring and summer. This has helped Monaco become a fixture on the international art scene. Here are all the 2024 details about Monaco’s many arts festivals:
Monaco Art Week
Monaco galleries and auction houses are joining forces to present a series of exhibitions and artistic events at their respective venues. A forum for synergies and exchanges, these cultural encounters are an opportunity to showcase the artistic and creative talent that resides within Monaco.
Specialists in ancient, modern and contemporary art, the originality of Monaco Art Week lies in the dialogue and resonance between different artistic genres and eras.
Event Details: July 2024
Event Name: Monaco Art Week
Тип события: Art gallery exhibitions
Даты: July 2 to 7, 2024
Ticket Price: Free
Экспоненты: Many of the galleries in Monaco participate, including: Artcurial; Boghossian; Christie’s; G&M Design; Hauser & Wirth; HOFA; Kamil Art Gallery; Lebreton ; Elisabeth Lillo-Renner; M.-F. Toninelli Modern Art; Opera Gallery; Adriano Ribolzi Gallery; Sotheby’s; Teos Gallery Monte Carlo; Wannenes Art Contact; Ward Moretti at Moretti Fine Art.
Социальные медиа: Monaco Art Week has a страница на фэйсбуке и Инстаграм #monacoartweek
Веб-сайт: Official Monaco Art Week website
Расположение: Monaco Art Week is held in galleries all around Monaco.
Транспорт: Посмотреть наши Путеводитель по транспорту Монако для получения дополнительной информации и деталей бронирования транзита.

artmonte-carlo Art Fair
artmonte-carlo is distinguished by a small, select group of leading international galleries, showcased in a meticulously designed exhibition space, enriched by a program of special exhibitions that encourage dialogue between the market and the institutional world.
Curated art shows will welcome visitors at the entrance of the Salon in the luminous Verrière of the Grimaldi Forum, where a unique and select number of galleries will show their collection of paintings, sculptures, and digital designs. Exhibits also take place outside the Grimaldi Forum, allowing artworks to be shown throughout Monaco at Вилла Заубер, at SBM hotels, and at Tunnel Riva.

Complementing the gallery space, artmonte-carlo / forum is an international platform dedicated to thought production, collaborations and exchanges, which brings together art professionals and thinkers to discuss and imagine common projects. This space invites people to share ideas, socialize and network, whilst enjoying the view on the Mediterranean Sea.
For breaks and refreshments, the ‘Partner’s Lounge’ is hosted at the chic 1000m2 bistro ‘Indigo’ (in the Grimaldi Forum), whose 220m2 terrace overlooks the sea. Here, you will be able to enjoy Ruinart champagne and a menu of fresh and sophisticated tasting dishes.
Event Details: July 2024
Event Name: artmonte-carlo
Тип события: International art fair and exhibits
Dates & Time: July 6 and 7, 2024. It is open from 12pm to 7pm.
Ticket Price: €20 for adults and €12 for students and seniors
Экспоненты: Around 50-100 galleries have booths
Социальные медиа: You can find artmonte-carlo information via the unofficial Facebook Page and their official Instagram.
Веб-сайт: Official artmonte-carlo website
Расположение: artmonte-carlo is hosted at the Grimaldi Forum, by the sea in the center of Monaco.
Транспорт: Посмотреть наши Путеводитель по транспорту Монако для получения дополнительной информации и деталей бронирования транзита.
Похожие события: For more art events, check out our завершить Монако и Французскую Ривьеру календарь событий.

art3f Art Fair
art3f is a 4250 m2 art fair in Fontvieille. Walk around Monaco’s art3f and you might run into a re-visitation of an Al Pacino picture or one of Jeff Koon’s famous balloon dogs. Over 3,000 works are on display at Monaco’s Espace Fontvieille during art3f, ranging from abstract and figurative paintings, to sculptures, ceramics, and even a stained-glass artist.
It’s a mix of both Coup de Coeur and affordable art. Most of the artists on show in Monaco have been selected by the fair’s committee: you will find both rising talents and long-established names. Art galleries will also be amongst the exhibitors.

art3f shifts the lines of the traditional contemporary art trade shows, giving these cultural events a human and warm side: for this first Monegasque edition, a restaurant/terrace outside the marquees for gourmet breaks, a frankly warm and relaxed atmosphere, and real exchanges with the artists.
Art lovers and collectors alike will have the opportunity to meet and share their love of art with artists. Among these talented artists (painters, sculptors, photographers, ceramists), art3f’s discoveries and the young international contemporary guard, there will also be installed artists and prestigious art works.
Event Details: August 2024
Event Name: art3f
Тип события: International art fair and exhibits
Dates & Times: August 23 to 25, 2024.
Friday: 4pm to 11pm (‘preview’ with artists at 6pm)
Saturday: 10am to 8pm
Sunday: 10am to 7pm
Ticket Price: €10, free for accompanied under 18 teens/children
Exhibitions: Around 200 artists exhibiting over 3,000 works.
Социальные медиа: art3f on Instagram и Фейсбук
Веб-сайт: Official art3f website
Расположение: art3f is hosted in the Espace Fontvieille tent/marquis, by the sea near the border of Monaco and Cap d’Ail (also near helicopter transportation).
Транспорт: Посмотреть наши Путеводитель по транспорту Монако для получения дополнительной информации и деталей бронирования транзита.
Похожие события: For more art events, check out our завершить Монако и Французскую Ривьеру календарь событий.

UPAINT Street Art Festival
Every year, in the center of Monte Carlo, world-renowned street-art artists meet for the UPAINT event, where they create art — live, while spectators watch. The public will be able to get their hands on the spray paint, thanks in particular to the return of the free-expression wall.

With the “Junior Challenge”, young aspiring artists from Monegasque schools will do graffiti alongside the 14 artists who will have made the trip. Their mission? Transform the city into an open-air museum and raise public awareness of this art in its own right.
At the end of the live performances, the art pieces are sold during an online auction of the pieces that remain. The net proceeds go to the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation to support projects that preserve our planet for a better future. Proceeds from this sale will go to the Foundation’s Human – Wildlife Initiative, which aims to protect wildlife in rural and mountain areas neighboring the South of France.
Event Details: June 2024
Event Name: UPAINT
Тип события: Outdoor art fair and exhibits
Даты: June 7 to 10, 2024. The online auction is held in June.
Ticket Price: Free
Экспоненты: Around 15 professional street artists, plus student artists and the public.
Социальные медиа: You can find UPAINT information via their Страница на фэйсбуке and their Инстаграм. #UPAINTmonaco
Веб-сайт: Official UPAINT website and the charity online art auction.
Расположение: UPAINT is hosted on the beachside Promenade de Larvotto.
Транспорт: Посмотреть наши Путеводитель по транспорту Монако для получения дополнительной информации и деталей бронирования транзита.
Похожие события: For more art events, check out our завершить Монако и Французскую Ривьеру календарь событий.

Monaco Artist’s Forum
The Monaco Artist’s Forum brings together nearly 80 visual artists, Monegasques or residents of the Principality, amateurs and professionals, who are presenting their works of painting, sculpture and photography.
The Public Prize will be an opportunity for the public to vote for the work they prefer. Voting is open from June 16 to 30 and the winner will be honored at the event.
You can see local artists on the Directory of Artists of Monaco website, which offers the possibility for artists and cultural associations of the Principality to present their work and background.
Event Details: July 2024
Event Name: Monaco Artist’s Forum
Тип события: Local art fair
Частота: Every second year
Date & Time: It will be held July (exact dates to be announced), 2024, from 11am to 7pm.
Ticket Price: Free
Exhibitions: Around 80 artists exhibit their work.
Социальные медиа: Инстаграм и Фейсбук
Веб-сайт: Official Monaco Artist’s Forum website
Расположение: The Monaco Artist’s Forum is hosted in the Espace Léo Ferré in Monaco.
Транспорт: Посмотреть наши Путеводитель по транспорту Монако для получения дополнительной информации и деталей бронирования транзита.
Похожие события: For more art events, check out our завершить Монако и Французскую Ривьеру календарь событий.

Performing Arts Festival
This is a performing arts festival, for audiences of all ages. This unique event includes a number of concerts, lectures, performances and master classes in the Principality’s iconic venues. Its program includes first-class concerts and master classes. You can also meet with maestros, composers, and young talents from music academies.
The Monte-Carlo Spring Arts Festival (Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo) was inspired by Princess Grace in 1970. Princess Caroline of Hanover has been its president since 1984.
Event Details: March 2024
Event Name: Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo
Тип события: Performing arts festival
Даты: March 13 to April 7, 2024
Ticket Prices: €10 to €35 depending on the performance. See the price list.
Социальные медиа: Festival Printemps des Arts Monte-Carlo Facebook Page
Веб-сайт: Official Festival Printemps website
Locations: Opéra Garnier, Oceanographic Museum, Rainier III Auditorium, Amphithéâtre (One Monte-Carlo) and Théâtre des Variétés.

Хочу больше?
We’ve made a list of the best art museums, art galleries and other places to see art in Monaco. We’ve also compiled a гид по лучшим художественным музеям Французской Ривьеры.