
    Преступность в Марселе

    Marseille is situated on the southern coast of France, 110 miles west of the famed and glittering Riviera. It is the oldest French city, dating back to 600BC, and is home to approximately 850,000 residents, the second largest city in France.

    Преступность в Марселе - уровень преступности в Марселе 1

    We recommend you don’t go near this dangerous and corrupted city.

    It is a city of contrasts, with the richer, mostly white areas south of the city center and the poorer northern districts from the center of the city, where 40% of people live below the poverty line. Many call Marseille the poorest city in France. Those with money live in the suburbs, whilst the northern districts are cramped with high rise blocks (sometimes referred to as ghettos) mostly occupied by immigrants and disenfranchised youth.

    В городе процветает преступность, высокий уровень убийств и преступлений, связанных с наркотиками, и ситуация становится только хуже: Марсель испытывает растущие социальные проблемы. Районы в северных округах стали «запретными» зонами для полиции, а местные жители устраивают собственные блокпосты, чтобы следить за тем, кто входит, и применять свои собственные меры дисциплинарного воздействия и наказания. Война между бандами является нормой, а наркокартели действуют относительно безнаказанно и открыто носят автоматы Калашникова, которые стали излюбленным оружием.

    As Marseille is a large port city, this has meant that it has become a magnet for immigration. There is no way of knowing how many Arabs/Muslims live in any individual city, because registration by religion or ethnic origin is forbidden by law, however the latest research in Marseille suggests that around one-third of ‘Marseilles’ are now Muslim. Back in 2006, it was reported that 70,000 city residents were considered to be of Maghrebian origin, mostly Algerian. The second largest group in Marseille in terms of single nationalities were from the Comoros, amounting to some 45,000 people. This has increased tremendously as migrants flee the troubles of their African and Middle Eastern countries. This group does not assimilate well with native Marseilles.

    Преступность в Марселе - уровень преступности в Марселе, полиция 1

    Уровень преступности более чем в 5 раз выше, чем в любом другом городе Франции. The murder rate is especially high, as young men are routinely trapped and burned alive. This happens so often that it even has a name: it’s called a ‘Marseille barbecue’, and it’s part of gang or drug-related crimes.

    Ограбления носят жестокий характер и обычно включают в себя большое количество людей, имеющих при себе оружие. Приближение на скутерах — обычная тактика. Поскольку уровень безработицы среди молодежи достигает 40%, преступления, связанные с грабежами и нападениями с целью получения легко продаваемых ценностей, являются обычным явлением.

    Как будто всего этого было недостаточно, Марсель также продолжает войну с корсиканская сепаратистская группировка FLNCи они совершили взрывы во многих отелях Марселя.

    If you must visit Marseille, use common sense and don’t put yourself at risk by entering areas known for high crime rates (like the third arrondissement –the poorest area in France– where over 50% live beneath the poverty line). Don’t travel alone at night. If you have an air of confidence about you and you look at home with your surroundings, you are less likely to be attacked.

    Ознакомьтесь с нашим советы экспертов о том, как избежать преступности на Французской Ривьере and see our Marseille-specific tips below.

    За преступлением, которое принесло Марселю репутацию наркоторговца

    Марсель имеет долгую историю преступной деятельности с участием мафии, но есть одно преступление, которое принесло этому городу репутацию столицы наркоторговли: «Французские связи». Это удивительная история, которая начинается с украденных нацистами денег и заканчивается коррупцией в Нью-Йорке 1970-х годов.

    In the 1930s, Corsican mafia leader Paul Carbone realized that there was money to be made on the streets of America by selling heroin. He began transporting poppy seeds from Turkey to France – via Marseille – and then on towards Canada and, eventually, the US. This route (soon dubbed the ‘French Connection’) used Marseille as a thoroughfare because it was one of the busiest ports in the Mediterranean, meaning shipments were more difficult to detect.

    A man called Auguste Ricord worked with Carbone to finance the operation. It is believed that the money Ricord provided was obtained during his time with the French Gestapo, a branch of the Nazi party, in the years that made up World War II. US authorities were aware of the French Connection as early as 1937, having discovered a number of Marseille-based labs that were turning morphine paste into heroine. However, the CIA allegedly protected the Корсиканская банда из-за помощи, которую они оказали в предотвращении захвата французскими коммунистами контроля над Старым портом Марселя в конце Второй мировой войны. Это оказалось большой ошибкой для американцев.

    The French Connection gradually began to ship greater and greater quantities of drugs to America throughout the 1950’s and ’60s. It is estimated that, by 1960, as much as 5,000 pounds of heroin (2,300 kg) was coming onto American streets through the route every year. French authorities were allegedly reluctant to arrest one of the gang’s major ringleaders as he had been a part of the French Resistance during World War II.

    Правительство США пыталось убедить Турцию сократить объемы экспорта опиума, но в конце концов они поняли, что им придется самим подавить мафию. Власти США (с помощью международных союзников) пресекли торговлю наркотиками и в начале 1970-х годов изъяли партии наркотиков и арестовали сотни людей. В то же время многие члены мафии были убиты в результате распрей с другими бандами. К середине 70-х годов деятельность French Connection прекратилась.

    French Connection привезла в США огромное количество наркотиков – и многие полицейские Нью-Йорка использовали эту схему, чтобы самостоятельно разбогатеть. Фактически, участие полиции Нью-Йорка до сих пор находится в центре одного из исторических событий.самые печально известные и нераскрытые коррупционные скандалы: in 1962, a large shipment of drugs – containing over 400 pounds of heroin and cocaine said to be valued at $73 million – was seized from the French Connection gang. In 1972 it was discovered that the drugs, which were being kept in a New York City police vault, had been replaced with flour and cornstarch and, over the ten-year period, sold on the streets of America. Four New York City police officers were implicated, one of which was later killed.

    Один из бандитов French Connection, которого в конечном итоге приговорили к тюремному заключению на 455 лет за свои преступления, в настоящее время томится в американской тюрьме; Энтони Кассо, пожалуй, единственный человек в мире, который когда-либо узнает, кто на самом деле несет ответственность за утечку наркотиков на улицы.

    The French connection is the stuff of legends – and prime material Hollywood. In 1971, William Friedkin (who famously went on to direct ‘The Exorcist’) made a movie called ‘The French Connection’, starring Gene Hackman. But the French were already using Marseille as a notorious backdrop long before this. Films like Jacques Deray’s 'Borsalino’ (1970), starring two of France’s most popular actors at the time, showed rival gangsters and warring mafia families. Locals in Marseille had known for a long time that the city was home to nefarious mafia behavior, but it was the Oscar-winning success of ‘The French Connection’ that really brought awareness to an international audience.

    Marseille’s infamy continues to this day, with Netflix’s grandiose Marseille series and Cédric Jimenez’s 2014 version of the drug bust starring Jean Dujardin, called ‘La French’. It appears as if this is one aspect of Marseille’s history that it will never shake.

    2024 Update

    In late March 2024, French President Emmanuel Macron initiated a multi-week crackdown on drug trafficking in Marseille, a city that has been plagued by gang violence, resulting in dozens of deaths and making life unbearable for many residents. During his unexpected visit to the southern port city, which is set to host several events for the Paris 2024 Olympics, Macron announced that more than 80 individuals had already been apprehended in the initial raids. Over the next three weeks, approximately 4,000 police officers will be deployed weekly in Marseille and its surrounding areas. The President commenced his visit with a walkabout in the northern district of La Castellane , one of the worst-affected areas, assuring residents that the operation aims to “try to destroy the networks and the traffickers.”

    Joseph Downing – a senior lecturer in politics and international relations, who grew up on a London council estate and lives in Marseille, where he has studied the relationship between the cités and police – said it was impossible for Britons to grasp how awful the estates are. He says that “in terms of the disrepair of the housing stock, the absence of the state – the absence of anybody – we can’t comprehend it’s possible. The police are even scared to go there. For us, this is unthinkable. These places are literally outside the state. If you call the police as a resident, they will not come.”

    Взгляд местного жителя и советы

    “I’m an English guy who’s been living in Marseille since July 2014 and am offering an update on the crime and safety situation from a local perspective. Myself and каждый Житель, с которым я здесь разговариваю, имеет непосредственный опыт преступлений, наиболее распространенными из которых являются кражи, карманные кражи, кражи из автомобилей, кражи велосипедов / мотоциклов. У меня украли сумку, я увидел, как вор ее забрал, и погнался за ним. Это первый раз, когда что-то подобное случилось со мной, мне почти пятьдесят лет, и я жил в некоторых сомнительных районах крупных городов Великобритании, и самое худшее, что случилось, - это велосипед, украденный из подъезда некоторых квартир, где я жил. .

    Certain parts of Marseille are a lot more dangerous than others. The forest of CCTV cameras recently installed may have made areas like the Vieux Port and Panier safer but based on my experiences and what I’ve heard from long term residents, here are some points to bear in mind:

    • В трамваях и метро случаются хищения ювелирных украшений, особенно шейных цепочек. А еще кражи часов, поэтому, если кто-нибудь спросит вас, сколько времени, вы не узнаете. Зачем им спрашивать вас о времени, когда у них почти наверняка есть мобильный телефон?
    • Карманники работают по всему городу, но особенно в метро. Станция Сент-Чарльз сегодня кишит охранниками и солдатами. Будьте очень осторожны с людьми, которые натыкаются на вас, с группами молодых людей, пинающих футбольный мяч, который случайно попадается вам на пути… и когда молодой человек идет за мячом, он каким-то образом натыкается на вас, в то время как его сообщник тянется за мобильным телефоном, который они видели ранее на контуре в кармане брюк.
    • Сейчас я использую различные скрытые кошельки, когда нахожусь в центре города, потому что потерял счет количеству предпринятых попыток кражи. У меня есть сумка через плечо, в которую можно положить смартфон, кошелек, связку ключей и которую можно спрятать под одеждой. Местные жители, которых я знаю, никогда не носят с собой сумку вечером.
    • Я предлагаю оставить свои красивые дизайнерские часы, золотые украшения и смартфон, а когда вы находитесь на улице, воспользуйтесь одной из бесплатных карт, доступных в туристической информации.
    • The area bordered by Allee Gambetta , Rue de la Grande Armee and la Canebiere should be avoided as should the side streets near St Charles station . There’s nothing of any interest around there in any case. One exception might be the vegetarian restaurant Grain du Sable on rue Baignoir, open lunchtimes.
    • The area running from Cours Belsunce , around Rue Colbert up to Port d’Aix is extremely dangerous and notorious for snatch thefts. An ambulance crew, collecting a patient recently had their smartphones and the works phone stolen from the front of the ambulance while they were getting the patient in to the back. This was where I had a bag snatched in broad daylight. So if you’re thinking of strolling up to the Arc de Triomphe and having a picnic on the grass under the trees – don’t. This area is also the end of the motorway A7 and there are reports of motorists being robbed who’ve come off the motorway and stopped the car to check directions.
    • Каждый день я вижу как минимум две-три машины с разбитым задним стеклом. Если привезти из-за города машину с номерами, особенно иностранную, то вопрос лишь в том, когда, а не в том, что ее взломают.
    • The beaches are also notorious for thefts. Plage Prophete , Catalans and Prado have free cloakrooms from June to September and you are well advised to use them.
    • As a visitor, you may well end up around Cours Julien , which is a lively area with some great cafes, bars and several excellent venues for live music. Unfortunately it’s also become a magnet for druggies, street drinkers and aggressive beggars and care should be taken in this neighborhood.
    • Some music venues you might find your way to are the Docks de Sud which is a superclub holding techno, drum and bass all-nighters and Le Nomad . Both are in the beginnings of the Quartiers Nords, the nearest metro station is Bougainville although Docks de Sud is on the tram network. You should organize transport back to wherever you’re staying (unless you’re planning on an all-nighter) this is definitely not a neighborhood to wander around in after dark.
    • Bougainville is also pretty sleazy day or night with drug dealers openly operating under the noses of the security guards.
    • Летом здесь много бесплатных фестивалей, кинотеатр под открытым небом и опять же, будьте осторожны с сумками и вещами в таких ситуациях.
    • Another venue, not very easy to access, is the Friche Belle de Mai , a former factory with a spectacular rooftop bar which opens on Fridays and Saturday nights during the summer, it hosts some of the best club and live music nights the city has to offer. It’s in a poor neighborhood, some consider dangerous, although I’ve never experienced problems around there or felt unsafe. Nearby is a repertory cinema, the Gyptis , which has films in their original language.
    • There are news reports of robbers posing as fake Police, using a blue flashing light on their car, pulling over drivers to then demand wallets, mobile phones, and other valuables. These thefts are occurring on motorways during the early hours, between 2am and 6am and are reported to be taking place in Marseille and all along the French Riviera. Something to be careful of if you’re driving.

    Don’t be put off coming here, I love the city and I’m very happy here, but it is dangerous, violent and crime infested and is somewhere you need to be on your guard to a much greater extent than in other places.

    Much of the serious crime is gang and drug related and is most unlikely to affect a visitor unless you take a bus out to one of the housing projects in the notorious Quartiers Nord and look for trouble. These are like the favelas of Latin America, entire housing projects or estates controlled by criminal gangs which the police can only enter when there are several vans full of them, armed with assault rifles and body armor. If you’re curious, the ‘Hotel du Nord project’ offers home-stays in the North of the city and guided walks. Some efforts are being made to improve the lives and chances of people in these areas but to a large extent whole sections of society are disenfranchised.

    All I can say is these are my views based upon lived experience of twelve months in Marseille. I hope it’s helpful.”

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    Ознакомьтесь с нашим советы экспертов о том, как избежать преступности на Французской Ривьереи узнать о отравление газом и вторжение в дом.

    Вот подробный анализ преступности с разбивкой по городам:

    • Корсика: Самый высокий уровень убийств в Западной Европе.
    • Nice: Rife with pickpockets and petty thieves.
    • Канны: Where watch and jewelry theft is out of control.

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