Veranstaltungskalender für Monaco und die französische Riviera
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We keep this Google Calendar updated with the latest events information for Monaco and all the towns on the French Riviera. You can subscribe to add this as a separately-viewable calendar in your Google Calendar screen or subscribe via iCal. Once you subscribe, it will be added in your Google or iCal account, and you’ll be able to choose when to view or hide this calendar by checking or unchecking the box next to the name of this calendar. If you are having trouble viewing the calendar, here’s the direct Google Calendar link.
Go here for a complete list of flea and antique markets on the French Riviera.
Current Exhibitions
- Bis 2. November 2024: Echo Fine Arts zeigt eine Einzelausstellung des deutschen Künstlers und Meisterdruckers Jan C. Schlegel mit dem Titel „Liturgie des Lichts“. Von Porträts nomadischer Stämme bis hin zur Mikrofotografie von Plankton ist Schlegels kreatives Werk vielfältig und spiegelt das tiefe Interesse und die Liebe des Autors für das Leben auf unserem Planeten in all seinen Formen, in seiner berührenden Zerbrechlichkeit und enormen Vielfalt wider. Seine Fotografien haben auch eine tiefe soziale Botschaft: Sie erinnern uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben, sie zu schätzen und für zukünftige Generationen zu bewahren.
Major Annual Events
Below are the biggest events and festivals, with links to view more information about the event:
Entire French Riviera
- JANUARY to FEBRUARY: Winter Shopping Sales
- APRIL: Gardens Festival (nicht jedes Jahr)
- JUNE to JULY: Summer Shopping Sales
- NOVEMBER: C’est pas Classique
- DECEMBER: Christmas Markets & Events
- DECEMBER: New Year’s Eve Events
Antibes & Juan-les-Pins Events
- APRIL: Antibes Art Fair
- JULY: Jazz à Juan & Jammin’Summer Jazz Festivals
- DECEMBER: Christmas Village & Events
Beaulieu-sur-Mer Events
- JULY: Les Nuits Guitares Music Festival
- DECEMBER: Christmas Events
Cagnes-sur-Mer Events
- DECEMBER: Christmas in Cagnes-sur-Mer
Cannes Events
- FEBRUARY: AI Festival
- MAY: Cannes Film Festival
- JULY to AUGUST: Cannes Fireworks Festival
- SEPTEMBER: Cannes Yachting Festival
- NOVEMBER to DECEMBER: Cannes Dance Festival
- DECEMBER: Christmas Village & Events
Menton Events
- FEBRUARY: Fete du Citron
- DECEMBER: Christmas Celebration
Monaco / Monte-Carlo Events
- JANUARY: St Devote’s Day
- MARCH: Performing Arts Festival
- APRIL: Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters Tennis Tournament
- APRIL: Monaco E-Prix (biannually)
- MAY: Monaco Grand Prix
- MAY: Monte-Carlo Fashion Week
- JUNE: Monte-Carlo Television Festival
- JUNE: uPaint Street Art Festival
- JULY: Art Events include artmonte-carlo, Monaco Artist’s Forum, & Monaco Art Week
- JULY to AUGUST: Monte-Carlo Summer Festival Concert Series
- JULY to AUGUST: Summer Concerts at the Prince’s Palace in Monaco
- AUGUST: art3f Art Fair
- SEPTEMBER: Monaco Yacht Show
- NOVEMBER: Monaco National Day / Fete National / Fete du Prince
- NOVEMBER: Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival
- NOVEMBER: Monte-Carlo Film Festival
- NOVEMBER: No Finish Line – Charity Run
- DECEMBER: Christmas Events, Village and Markets
Mougins Events
- SEPTEMBER: Les Etoiles Culinary Festival
- DECEMBER: Christmas Celebration
Nice Events
- FEBRUARY: Carnaval de Nice & Lou Queernaval
- MARCH: March at the Museums
- APRIL: Nice Art Expo
- APRIL: In&Out Gay Film Festival
- APRIL: No Finish Line – Charity Run
- JULY: Nice Jazz Festival
- JULY: Pink (Gay Pride) Parade
- DECEMBER: Christmas Village
St-Paul de Vence Events
- DECEMBER: Christmas Celebration
St-Tropez Events
- OCTOBER: La Grande Braderie de Saint-Tropez
- DECEMBER: Christmas in Saint-Tropez
Villefranche-sur-Mer Events
- DECEMBER: Christmas Celebration
School Holidays
Während der gesamten Schulferien ist mit einem Anstieg des Tourismus zu rechnen. An den Stränden ist in dieser Zeit mit viel mehr Kindern und Jugendlichen zu rechnen, die sich am Strand und auf den Märkten tummeln.
Monaco School Holidays
Here is the official school schedule calendar from the Monaco government.
In Monaco, during school vacations, many Monaco residents leave to vacation at other destinations along the French Riviera or elsewhere around the world. Monaco fills up, instead, with tourists from France.
French Riviera School Holidays
To alleviate holiday traffic and crowded resorts, education authorities are divided into three geographic zones, with staggered winter and spring holiday periods. The French Riviera is in Zone B. Here is the government’s official website listing the holiday dates.