非常适合在 Instagram 上拍照的海滨小镇 芒通 可能不如其里维埃拉邻居那么出名,但它与 Nice 一起,在将法国里维埃拉建成可能是世界上最古老的冬季度假胜地方面发挥了重要作用。 让·谷克托 (Jean Cocteau) 绘制了他著名的壁画 这里的爱,以及 英国贵族种植异国情调的花园 周围是棕榈树掩映的意大利风格别墅。
Traces of occupation go back 3000 years or so, but until the end of the 18th century, the area later known as the Côte d’Azur was a remote and impoverished region, known mostly for fishing, olive groves, and flowers used in perfume. Tribal people now called “Ligurians” were the first known inhabitants of the French Riviera in historical times.
我们对这些原住民知之甚少,只知道他们建造了坚固的村庄,尤其是在现代Nice的遗址上。几个世纪后,希腊人摆脱了过度拥挤的生活 福卡亚 搬家,首先进入马西利亚(马赛),然后向外前往耶尔 (Hyères) 并 Nice, as they tended to do wherever there was a chance of industry or commerce.
沿海地带的居民已经习惯于独立于“中央”控制而运作。罗马人的强迫占领——纪念 拉图尔比的奖杯— was an important exception, but even then the numbers of occupiers was small and they had a specific task, to defend Roman access and trade routes, with little concern for the local inhabitants.
After the Roman retreat, and before the 18th century, the pockets of inhabited land were tiny compared with the wide swathes of rocky, scrubby hillsides and boggy river estuaries. Communities were isolated. Mosquitoes drove everyone mad, and getting around was dangerous and slow (little has changed).
In the 18th century, a taste for travel developed amongst the English aristocracy, especially spending the winter on the French Riviera. Viewed as a Garden of Eden, the South of France was also the natural ‘route’ to Italy and its culture, which was a fashionable place to experience, among the elites.
This seasonal migration of the English upper classes was quickly copied by other European elites, all in search of a mild winter. At the beginning of the 19th century, the health argument emerged – people would go to these winter resorts as a medical treatment.
第一位描述该地区健康益处的英国旅行者是小说家 托比亚斯·斯莫利特,他于 1763 年访问过 Nice,当时它还是意大利境内的一座城市 撒丁岛王国。他以“游历法国和意大利 (特别是Nice)”,写于 1766 年。这是一本非常有趣的书信形式的旅行日记,他在日记中爱上了Nice,预见了戛纳(当时是一个小村庄)作为疗养胜地的优点,并设想了各种可能性 滨海路。该书出版后不久,体弱多病的英国人开始前往法国里维埃拉旅行,从而使这里成为世界上第一个冬季度假胜地。
几乎立刻,苏格兰医生 约翰·布朗 他接受了这个想法,并因开出他所谓的“气候疗法”而闻名:通过改变气候来治疗多种疾病。 1780年,他发表了《医学要素”,这曾一度是一篇有影响力的文章。它阐述了他的理论,通常被称为“布鲁诺医学体系”,该体系本质上将所有疾病理解为刺激过度或刺激不足的问题。有争议且简单化的所谓“布鲁诺理论’ dictated that all diseases fall into one of two categories: those caused by the absence of stimulus and those caused by too much stimulus. He and his contemporaries regarded the Mediterranean climate as offering a considerable variety of tonic and sedative environments.
英国医生保持势头 约翰·邦内尔·戴维斯 他在 1807 年写了一本书,“Nice的古代和现代历史'。这成为又一个宣扬法国里维埃拉对疾病有疗效的声音。他写了, “谁能暂时怀疑,当获得健康的道路上布满鲜花时,健康更有可能恢复;当压倒灵魂的痛苦负担被愉快的职业所减轻,当焦虑被耐心和顺从所取代时?”
This theory dominated European medical thought for roughly one century, until the late 1800’s, and the entire Mediterranean coast became something of a winter health resort for sufferers from all sorts of diseases (especially tuberculosis, which was killing one in six in England). Once Napoleon had been defeated in 1815 and peace prevailed on the continent, the British in particular began to flock to Nice, mostly for their health, and always in winter.
弗朗索瓦-约瑟夫-维克多·布鲁赛法国著名医师,在1820年代初非常受欢迎;他的医学理论基于布鲁诺理论。法国历史学家保罗·贡内 (Paul Gonnet) 指出,医生派出 “在我们的海岸上,有一群苍白无精打采的英国妇女和濒临死亡的无精打采的贵族子弟”。
当英国医生出现后,法国里维埃拉的人气进一步爆发 詹姆斯·亨利·班尼特 开始宣传芒通的气候作为健康灵丹妙药。班内特曾在巴黎学医,当了25年医生后,患上了他自诊断为的疾病。 结核 (this was before they knew the cause was bacteria). In 1859, he claimed that he went to Menton to “…die in a quiet corner, like a wounded denizen of the forest” (but it’s more likely that he was familiar with the Brunonian theory and went to be cured). But instead, his health greatly improved, and he visited Italy the next year, but found the “unhygienic state of the large towns of that classical land undid the good previously obtained”. Unimpressed with Italy, he returned to Menton and started a medical practice.
当他完全康复后,他回到英国,让他的病人了解芒通。消息传得很快,班尼特的著名病人也包括在内 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 和 维多利亚女王. From then on, he spent every winter in Menton.
他 1861 年出版的书《地中海沿岸的冬季和春季” 迅速提升了芒通(当时称为“Mentone”)作为目的地的知名度。班尼特认为,法国里维埃拉炎热干燥的气候以及适当的饮食可以治愈结核病患者。后来它被翻译成其他语言并在其他国家出版,从德国人到美国人,所有人都来到了芒通。其他医生很快也加入了合唱。
尽管 布鲁厄姆勋爵最近让戛纳名声大噪 for carefully-selected members of London’s upper-crust society, readership of Bennet’s book was widespread and created an overwhelming influx of tourism. Many aristocrats, mostly with various health ailments, flocked to the French Riviera with the hope of getting cured. Without a doubt, more than one ‘consumption’ victim had asthma rather than tuberculosis, and getting away from the cold, damp and very smoggy British cities would have been all the ‘cure’ they needed.
1882年, 维多利亚女王 took Bennet’s advice and came for an extended vacation, opening the floodgates for royals and high society to follow. She visited eight times after that and told her friends about how much she loved the area.
在女王的建议下, 温斯顿·丘吉尔 选择描绘它的风景,许多著名的 19 世纪旅行作家(如罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森、萨默塞特·毛姆、斯科特·菲茨杰拉德、欧内斯特·海明威、HG 威尔斯、伊迪丝·沃顿、路易莎·梅·奥尔科特和奥尔德斯·赫胥黎)开始撰写有关它的文章。
整个 20 世纪,美国人进一步改造了法国里维埃拉,许多最著名的美国作家和电影明星在这里度过或搬到这里。超级明星 格蕾丝·凯利 嫁给摩纳哥王子,丽塔·海华斯在这里遇见并娶了一位王子, 肖恩·康纳利 (Sean Connery) 在Nice购买了一栋别墅 并在芒通老城拍摄了《永不言败》的场景,有钱有名的美国人都来这里度假。