

    无论您是否正在寻找以桃红葡萄酒开始(和结束)的一天 名人云集的海滩俱乐部 or prefer a more secluded seaside or historic village escape, Iconic Riviera will fill you in on the very best places to find whatever you’re looking for.





    亨利·马蒂斯这样总结Nice的吸引力:“你还记得透过百叶窗的光线吗?”他说。 “它来自下面,好像来自剧院的脚灯。一切都是假的、荒谬的、令人惊奇的、美味的。”但Nice并不是法国里维埃拉唯一一座极其迷人的城市。以下是法国里维埃拉主要城市的列表以及旅行指南的链接:


    The Most Charming Towns - monaco travel guide french riviera

    这个小而独立的 非常 法国里维埃拉的国际公国以其奢华的生活方式而闻名。摩纳哥就是这样 富有且充满亿万富翁 that it doesn’t even measure poverty rates — there are no homeless or poor people. In fact, to live comfortably in Monaco, you’ll either need a hefty trust fund or an income of at least €250,000 per adult.

    蒙特卡洛是摩纳哥最耀眼、最著名的地区,遍布五星级超豪华酒店, 异国情调的超级跑车, 高端 设计师精品店, and the famous Casino de Monte-Carlo.

    看看我们的 摩纳哥旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - Nice travel guide french riviera 1

    Nice 是一座让人又爱又恨的城市。对一些人来说,它是真正的地中海宝石,也是法国里维埃拉的非官方首都,而对另一些人来说,它比不上更奢华、更迷人的姐妹戛纳。如果您正在寻找奢华,您不会在这里找到它(特别是如果您习惯了五星级酒店),但如果您想体验法国南部的现实生活,那么{([0 ])} 就是执行此操作的地方。

    Nice 拥有丰富的历史、遗产, 美食和文化。拥有著名的海岸长廊、标志性的鹅卵石海滩、海滨餐厅和 出色且多功能的户外市场 (可以说 法国南部最好的市场)。

    这座曾经深受迷人贵族青睐的小镇,必去景点是宏伟的 17 世纪宅邸 马蒂斯博物馆。这里是大师本人的故乡,展出了他的几件主要作品——无论是艺术爱好者还是外行都会被迷住。另一个惊喜就是美丽 16 世纪的方济会修道院, filled with hundreds of items of art, a small museum and immaculate gardens.

    看看我们的 Nice旅游指南


    The Most Charming Towns - cannes travel guide

    We all know this “timeless” city in southern France for its links to celebrities and billionaires. Basking in the sun, this is a city that the rich and famous have been coming to for over 150 years. It simply sparkles with glamour, whilst the grandeur of the postcard-perfect coastline promenade of La Croisette and the Belle Epoque buildings reflect its aristocratic history. 

    戛纳到处都是豪华酒店和餐厅,每年一度的戛纳电影节 戛纳电影节 is an unmissable event. But there’s more to Cannes than the red carpets and celebrities that attract many to this cosmopolitan place in France. Cannes mixes tradition and modernity to mesmerize many, from sheiks to the nouveau-riche, to come and see its beauty.

    如今,戛纳仍然是国际富豪的聚集地,他们为这座城市众多的设计师精品店、时髦的酒吧和豪华酒店提供了现成且愿意的客户。戛纳有许多美食餐厅,其露台延伸到街道上,还有时髦的海滩俱乐部在阳光下提供美味的鸡尾酒。夏季,您可以租一艘游艇前往附近 莱兰群岛。难怪戛纳已成为富人和名人的游乐场。

    看看我们的 戛纳旅游指南


    The Most Charming Towns - antibes travel guide france

    Antibes is a popular seaside town in the French Riviera, with beaches and natural bays. It’s known for its old town enclosed by 16th-century ramparts with the star-shaped Fort Carré which overlooks luxury yachts moored at the Port Vauban marina. With landmarks full of historicity and modern combined with the upbeat nightclubs, beaches, and casinos, this resort town is must-see on the Côte d’Azur.

    森林茂密的安提布角半岛上点缀着宏伟的别墅,将安提布与胡安莱潘分隔开来,胡安莱潘是一座别致的度假小镇,夜生活热闹非凡, 胡安爵士音乐节

    看看我们的 安提布和胡安莱潘旅行指南




    最迷人的城镇 - 科西嘉岛旅游指南 1

    科西嘉岛 is a wild island, in every sense of the word. The ancient Greeks sailed into Corsica’s dazzling turquoise bays and declared the island ‘Kalliste’: the Most Beautiful. Henri Matisse found it to be a “marvelous land,” where “all is color, all is light.”


    看看我们的 科西嘉岛旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - lerins islands travel guide 1

    The beautiful and unspoiled Lerins Islands (Îles de Lérins) combine leisure and relaxation to pull many tourists out of Cannes and other major towns of French Riviera. Stepping ashore on the Lerins islands, you cannot help but feel like you’ve travelled back to a simpler time when the area was still a sleepy place inhabited by monks and fishermen, ruled by the rhythms of sunny days and the summertime buzz of cicadas.

    它们拥有丰富的独特历史、历史遗迹、美丽的全景和自然景观。乘坐渡轮只需 15 分钟,但这两座岛屿似乎远离法国里维埃拉派对小镇的喧嚣,是一个完美的旅游度假胜地。岛上禁止汽车通行,居民也很少,因此,如果您想知道蔚蓝海岸在豪华酒店和公寓楼沿海岸拔地而起之前是什么样子,那么您一定要去看看这些迷人的岛屿。法国里维埃拉。

    看看我们的 莱林斯群岛 旅行指南




    The Most Charming Towns - st tropez travel guide2

    圣特罗佩是一个乍一看似乎很传统的小镇。然而,这座小镇因成为全球最迷人的豪华、巨型游艇和豪华跑车中心之一而闻名于世。它的成功在很大程度上要归功于碧姬·芭杜和电影《上帝创造了女人》,该片在圣特罗佩拍摄并于 1957 年上映,这使得芭杜成为整整一代人的性感象征。前往这个富豪和艺术家最喜爱的地方,体验法国里维埃拉的时尚之旅。

    In Saint-Tropez, two very different lifestyles coexist at the same time. On the one hand, fame, wealth and ostentation are concentrated in the port area, where large ships, Ferraris, legendary nightclubs, and luxury stores predominate. On the other, the town also has a quaint, quiet area, where a a more tranquil lifestyle reigns. They are the neighborhoods where the locals live.

    看看我们的 圣特罗佩 旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - menton france travel guide

    Last stop on the Côte d’Azur before Italy, the seaside town of Menton offers a glimpse of what the high life in big cities on the Riviera must have been like before the developers moved in. With its pastel mansions and lovely old port, it’s one of the most photogenic towns on the entire coast.

    芒通以其全年 355 天的阳光和开花植物而闻名,许多人说芒通是法国里维埃拉所有城镇中最具意大利风情的城镇。鉴于它靠近意大利边境,我们可以明白原因。事实上,据说芒通是法国里维埃拉最温暖的小镇,这也是它在美好时代受欢迎的原因,当时英国游客和俄罗斯王子纷纷涌入该镇,并在神奇的环境中建造了豪华酒店和别墅。

    看看我们的 芒通旅行指南。


    The Most Charming Towns - jean cocteau villefranche2

    拥有色彩缤纷的建筑、海滨餐厅以及之间的优越位置 Nice摩纳哥, Villefranche-Sur-Mer is unmissable to in-the-know tourists. It is close to everything, yet quiet and charming. Perhaps that’s why rock-and-roll royalty such as Keith Richards and Tina Turner own villas here.

    From dreamy scenery, exquisite dining places, heritage sites, and even local village peculiarities, this idyllic town retains an authentic Mediterranean feel typical of the Riviera — but it is more of an Italian vibe than French to many. Most of its buildings date back to the 12th and 13th centuries, and the houses are painted with bright Provençal colors. Flowers beautify the balconies and facades that cascade down the hill to the sea into the waterfront quay.

    看看我们的 滨海自由城 旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - beaulieu sur mer beach 1

    Beaulieu-sur-Mer means “beautiful place on the sea” in French. An accurate description. A not-so-hidden-hideaway with a Belle Époque touch and lovely seafront gardens, many royals and personalities have frequented this place of understated glamour. Walking around will transport you back to its illustrious past as you admire its historic and luxurious structures. Flowers with bright colors perfume the air and graceful palms line the seafront gardens. Magnolia trees, parasol pines, and cypresses grow abundantly. The three main streets are sprawling with citrus trees bearing ripe fruits.

    看看我们的 滨海博利厄旅行指南



    一旦气温升高,居民就会前往山上,漫步穿过凉爽的松露橡树林,在瀑布中游泳并品尝饮品鱼红葡萄酒 (with ice cubes) on a shady village square. They jump on a ferry to Ile Saint-Honorat for a lunch of fresh, grilled scallops, or go to Théoule-sur-Mer for a swim at one of the tiny inlets along the craggy coastline.

    Medieval towers, ramparts, and castles are the main attractions of the perched villages on the Cote d’Azur. But that’s not all there is. You’ll find the true essence of the French Riviera in the breaths between cities.

    Clifftop roads bring you through rolling hills coated with lavender fields, vineyards, and olive groves all to the backdrop of that brilliant blue. Visits to these villages are the ideal suffix to a day spent between the beach and larger cities. While stone dolmens mark the French Riviera’s prehistory, its Roman colonization endures in a collection of remarkable sites.



    The Most Charming Towns - vence france travel guide 1



    看看我们的 圣保罗-德旺斯 旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - eze village travel guide21

    Found 425 meters above the azure sea, countryside charm exudes from ancient Èze. Centered around the ruins of a 12th century castle, an intricate labyrinth of medieval streets bursts with craft boutiques and art exhibitions. Overlooking magnificent villas festooned with bright bougainvillea, the Jardin Exotique is a haven of tranquility, not to mention a horticulturalists’ dream, packed with a multitude of cacti, citrus trees and tropical plants.

    当地人称埃兹为 乡村博物馆 (博物馆村)和 艺术与美食村 (village of art and gastronomie). Its medieval structures blend well with shops, art galleries, hotels, and restaurants. A gastronomic heaven, the stunning Chateau Eza hotel, a secluded 400-year-old property and former residence of a Swedish Prince, offers a one-star Michelin gourmet experience on the elegant terrace, high above the sparkling Med. For uber-gastronomic dining, the two-Michelin-star La Chevre d’Or is world-famous.

    看看我们的 埃兹旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - mougins france travel guide2 1


    历史中心遍布古色古香的小巷,小巷里装饰着喷泉和雕像,艺术家工作室则融入郁郁葱葱的花园背景中。穆然曾是 Yves Saint Laurent、Christian Dior、Man Ray 和 Winston Churchill 等许多艺术家和名人经常光顾和居住的地方,现在拥有 30 个艺术画廊和博物馆。这里最著名的居民巴勃罗·毕加索 (Pablo Picasso) 在此度过了他生命的最后 12 年。

    穆然被誉为美食中心,拥有无数华丽餐厅,其中包括米其林星级餐厅,罗杰·韦尔热 (Roger Vergé) 和阿兰·杜卡斯 (Alain Ducasse) 等大厨都曾在这里经营过餐厅。

    看看我们的 穆然 旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - cagnes sur mer travel guide


    镇上最古老的部分(也是唯一值得参观的部分)位于山顶,距离大海 10 分钟车程。它是一颗隐藏的宝石:与法国里维埃拉沿岸的其他中世纪城镇相比,它是一个游客较少且不那么繁忙的替代品,但同样迷人。

    看看我们的 卡涅旅行指南


    The Most Charming Towns - Cap Martin Roquebrune travel guide3

    罗克布吕讷老城和马丁岬海滨区基本上都是摩纳哥的郊区。卡普马丁 (Cap-Martin) 是远离摩纳哥都市浮华的完美世外桃源(事实上,卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 在卡普马丁 (Cap-Martin) 拥有一处度假庄园)。这个小镇很迷人,沿着海边有一条美丽的自然步道。

    As one of the medieval perched-villages, Roquebrune rises up to 300 meters in altitude. The historical architecture and monuments are pleasant treats for history lovers. There are medieval, and even a prehistorical, attractions, with magnificent villas and avant-garde structures to balance the experience of every visitor.

    看看我们的 罗克布伦和马丁岬旅行指南


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