

    尽管 碧姬·芭杜 (Brigitte Bardot) 将圣特罗佩列入国际喷气机目的地地图随后的名人, it has a long and interesting history that spans far farther than the 1950s. The present incarnation of the town was shaped not just by celebrities, but over centuries, by its seafarers. Thanks to its fishermen, captains, and crews, Saint-Tropez was renowned in all the world’s ports, and, as a result, some of history’s most admired sailors dropped anchor in this charming town.

    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - st tropez travel guide


    68年,圣特罗佩以及格里莫镇和科戈兰镇都因一起涉及无头人、公鸡和狗的疯狂事件而得名。你可以 在这里阅读这个精彩的故事


    Like many parishes in Provence, Saint-Tropez had been abandoned by its residents after wars, epidemics, and famines-the three scourges of the Middle Ages. In 1470, the nobleman Raphael de Garessio organized the repopulation of Saint-Tropez at the request of Jean Cossa, the feudal overlord for the Gulf of Grimaud.

    第一批特罗佩兹人从意大利或附近的村庄抵达,他们在部分拆除的城堡塔楼周围建造了房屋,该塔楼现在是 叙弗朗城堡 在市政广场 。它最初是一个小村庄,只有三条街道:rue du Portalet、rue du Puits 和 rue Saint-Esprit,这些街道至今仍然存在。


    Little by little, the port in St Tropez developed and surpassed the nearby Port of Cavalaire, which had been active since ancient times. The town experienced remarkable growth throughout the 16th century and attracted both sailors and merchants.

    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - saint tropez history3 1

    一个世纪过去了,位于大海和城镇之间的土地出现了。 加辛 拉马蒂埃勒 began to be cultivated. Vineyards dominated to the extent that the quantity of wine produced quickly grew to be more than what was needed for the local population. The Tropezians, who were already looking out to sea, began to export it to Provence and the ports of Italy. The sailors also exported everything that the Massif des Maures had to offer, such as wood, cork, or chestnuts.

    除了沿海航运活动之外,大规模的渔业也开始发展。小型渔业企业捕捞当地人每天吃的鱼;然后,从 17 世纪开始,大型渔业公司使用“马德拉格”陷阱捕获金枪鱼。

    海洋经济还包括久负盛名但具有破坏性的红珊瑚采收业,珊瑚从毛雷斯高原与地中海蔚蓝海水交汇处的岩石深处被撕裂。采收是通过自由潜水来捕获最靠近水面的珊瑚,或者更常见的是在“Croix de Saint-Andre”的帮助下进行,这是一个带有网的金属十字架,被拖过海底以撕裂更深的珊瑚。

    • 马德拉格也是渔民储藏室的术语。奇怪的是,这个名字让人想起曾经看到大海被金枪鱼的血染红的暴力捕鱼,在这些渔民之一的拉马德拉格 (La Madrague) 被传奇人物买下后,它变得举世闻名。 动物权利活动家碧姬·芭杜

    In the 1540s, Tropezian coral harvesters were recruited by boats from Marseille to capture this ‘red gold’ off the coasts of North Africa. While this harvesting was extremely and permanently damaging to sea-life, the coral industry further contributed to the enrichment of the town, which counted nearly 4000 residents by the end of the 16th century.


    In the 1510s, pirates called ‘the Barbarossa brothers’ (one of whom became famous as “Red Beard”), were in the service of the Sultan of Constantinople. They initiated decades of Muslim piracy along the Christian coastlines, and Saint-Tropez did not escape these depredations.

    在整个 1500 年代,男人、女人和儿童被绑架并勒索赎金,或被卖为奴隶。许多特罗佩兹人,包括妇女和儿童,被带到北非并被卖为奴隶。一些人成功逃脱;另一些人则成功逃脱。其他人在囚禁中死去,还有一些人自愿或不情愿地皈依了穆斯林宗教并成为了私掠者。

    • 诺查丹玛斯在他的一首著名绝句中回忆起这种威胁着居民和水手的阴险且几乎永久的危险:“离港口不远,掠夺和沉船。从 La Cieutat 到 Stecades 群岛。圣特罗普 (Saint Trope) 到处都是优质商品。海岸和村庄里的野蛮狩猎。”

    这种威胁是“民兵资产阶级”发展的主要原因,“民兵资产阶级”是一种兼职民兵,至今仍以勇敢军团的形式存在。最初,这支国民警卫队由领主指挥,或者在领主不在的情况下由“尊贵的人”指挥。从1510年代起,这位不常居住在圣特罗佩的领主逐渐放弃了他的军事义务。 1558年,市政当局决定弥补这一空白,每年任命一名“镇长”来负责该镇的防御。

    尽管存在海盗的危险,16 世纪对于该镇及其居民来说仍然是一个发展的世纪。然而,接下来的世纪将是危机的世纪……

    The beautiful period of growth began to slow in the 1600s. Piracy was at its height and a large part of the Tropezian fleet was captured. The archives tell us that from 1607 to 1625, 22 ships, single-mast boats, and barques were seized or burned by the Barbary pirates. The city became impoverished and lost nearly 1500 residents. The poorly dredged port gradually filled with silt.

    The situation seemed just as catastrophic in the middle of the century. By the 1660s, the fleet was reduced to a few single-mast vessels and small fishing boats. But, like all crises, this one passed, and a recovery was underway by the end of the century.


    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - st tropez travel guide history map

    The 18th century was marked by a new period of development, as many Tropezians turned to the Ottoman Empire. The Turks no longer had control of the seas and had seen their maritime trade decline. For them, the only solution was to charter ships from the King of France, their sole ally in the Mediterranean thanks to the peace treaty signed between Francois I and Sulieman the Magnificent in 1536.


    It was an endeavor that required the experience of the sailors from this small Provencal town. Like other boats based along the Provencal coast, the Tropezian sailors served the Sultan’s subjects by transporting goods and people across the Empire. The local sailors primarily conducted this coastal trade in the eastern basin of the Mediterranean and they often spent half their lives in the east.


    The 18th century was also marked by the “Systeme des Classes” maritime conscription program. This practice, set up by Jean-Baptiste Colbert during Louis XIV’s reign at the end of the previous century, consisted of the state drafting French sailors according to the needs of the royal navy. As a result, the king’s ships had crews made up of fishermen, shipyard workers, and commercial seamen, all supervised by officers who were mainly from the noble classes.

    With approximately two-thirds of its men involved in maritime activities, Saint-Tropez was a fertile ground for conscripting sailors. It isn’t surprising that so many of them were called to Toulon to embark on warships. There were more than 200 Tropezians at the Battle of Velez-Malaga in 1704, during the War of the Spanish Succession, when France supported Philip V-the grandson of Louis XIV-against the other European claims to the Spanish throne.

    圣特罗佩在法国皇家海军中的作用怎么强调都不为过。有些战斗涉及该镇 10% 的人口和超过 60% 的现役水手。 1778年至1784年期间,有超过500名当地水手参加了美国独立战争,而100多名当地水手则参与了1798年英法舰队之间悲惨的尼罗河海战。现场还有70多名当地男子1854 年克里米亚战争期间,在克里米亚海岸附近。尽管水手数量有所下降,但在两次世界大战期间,许多当地人仍然穿着海军制服。


    19 世纪的特点是某种衰落,尤金·苏在他的小说中生动地描述了这一点,并带有一丝讽刺意味。 火蜥蜴: “Quiet and old Saint-Tropez, home of a brave admiral, of the noble Suffren! All that is left of your former splendor are these two towers, reddened by a blazing sun, cracked and ruined, but adorned with green ivy crowns and garlands of blue-flowered bindweeds… And you too, poor port of Saint-Tropez, we can also pity you! For it is no longer those dashing ships with scarlet banners that anchor in your deserted waters; no, it is sometimes a heavy merchant ship or a meager skiff; and if luck has it, a thin schooner, with a narrow bodice tight as a bee, comes to collapse in the shelter of your breakwater, and the entire town is thrown into a state of emotion.”

    Eugene Sue sensed that a page of the city’s history was being turned. The glorious voyages in the service of the Turks were definitely a distant memory. Yet even though Eugene Sue was an enlightened connoisseur of maritime history, he seemed to overlook the fact that there were still countless men sailing the world’s seas, from the coasts of Africa to the West Indies.

    When his novel appeared in 1832, Saint-Tropez was looking for a future, and it would be the vitality of the Annonciade shipyards that helped restore the city’s glory in the middle of the century. While the shipyards in La Ciotat and La Seyne specialized in the construction of steel-hulled steamers, Saint-Tropez met the demand for wooden sailing boats. The Tropezians would build bigger and bigger boats. Their brigs and three-masted sailing ships would gain renown across the country’s southern ports, and Tropezian builders sold their boats to captains from Agde to Antibes.

    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - st tropez history gibraltar 1


    Travelers visiting Saint-Tropez mostly noticed the fishermen returning to the quay every day to dry and repair their nets while their wives sold the fish. They were oblivious to the fuller story behind the lives of these seafarers. This is how the myth of the charming little fishing port was born, even though up until the 1920s, captains from Saint-Tropez commanded some of the finest vessels of the French merchant navy.

    At the same time, the small town began to attract those seeking peace and quiet. Emile Ollivier, the last prime minister for Napoleon Ill, opened the way, succumbing to the charms of Saint-Tropez as early as 1862. He was followed at the end of the century by Octave Borrelli, the one-time governor of Egypt, who had a large castle built which still bears his name.



    The history of the painters in the town is well known, but there were also the writers, and then the filmmakers arrived after the First World War, settling in Saint-Tropez and around the gulf. This is how Saint-Tropez changed its face once again.

    圣特罗佩历史:海盗与画家 - 圣特罗佩旅游指南历史 1

    很快,这个小港口就变得非常时尚,1926 年,著名表演家兼巴黎剧院经理莱昂·沃尔泰拉 (Leon Volterra) 搬入并收购了沃尔泰拉城堡 (Chateau Volterra)。莱昂·沃尔泰拉先生是一位来自巴黎的传奇戏剧演员,他在参观当时明星云集的圣特罗佩期间,被当地的海妖西蒙娜迷住了,西蒙娜是一位渔夫。女儿。他们在一年内结婚了。

    When elected mayor of Saint-Tropez in 1936, Léon Volterra had little time for his official functions and left matters in Simone’s capable hands. “The Lady Mayoress”, as she became known, was a popular figure in the area, a tireless promoter of its cultural life and, evidently, an indefatigable hostess.

    战后不久,沃尔泰拉夫妇的婚姻就破裂了,但沃尔泰拉夫人仍然留在城堡里,卖掉了几块土地来维持生计。她继续欢迎演员、画家和作家来到城堡,每年圣诞节,城堡都会向整个村庄开放。 拉马蒂埃勒。晚年,她成为村里一年一度的露天戏剧节的热心支持者,直到 1989 年去世,她在每场演出中都占据前排座位。

    许多电影都会在这个小镇拍摄。有些导演会来讲述一个以普罗旺斯为背景的故事,比如让·乔克斯 (Jean Choux),他拍摄了 拉仆人 (“仆人”)1929 年。让·戈达尔的电影 倒一杯晚酒……! (《一夜》)于 1931 年在小镇拍摄,宏伟地描绘了咆哮的二十年代的圣特罗佩,一个只能再持续几年的圣特罗佩。 1935 年至 1941 年间,沃尔泰拉担任圣特罗佩市长,使这座小镇变得更加光鲜亮丽。

    第二次世界大战后,圣特罗佩变得比以往任何时候都更加时尚。电影制片人回归并于 1955 年拍摄了这部电影 上帝创造了女人 一经发布就引起了不小的争议(这是完整的故事)。

    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - saint tropez history brigitte bardot4 1
    碧姬·芭杜 (Brigitte Bardot) 在圣特罗佩港

    From then on, the entire world, from all spheres of society, would know of Saint-Tropez, as a glamorous destination where the newest fashions are on display and where masterpieces and lovable B-movies continued to be filmed.




    Saint-Tropez History: Pirates & Painters - st tropez bardot statue

    想要更多? 阅读我们的 圣特罗佩一线历史指南,关于的疯狂故事 该镇以无头人的名字命名,并了解 让圣特罗佩出名的丑闻


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